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Debunking 4 Myths of Deliverance Ministry

Debunking 4 Myths of Deliverance Ministry

No, deliverance isn’t just a movie about banjos and Burt Reynolds. It’s also not Linda Blair’s head spinning. It is a gift that reaches beyond Hollywood – something we should ALL be grasping onto like our lives depend on it – because our lives depend on it. 

If you look up the definition of deliverance, it is the action of being rescued or set free. Set free from what? Ah… that’s where the controversy comes in and opinions scatter.

My friend, deliverance isn’t just another opinion. It’s not just another Christianese word. It’s a gift to the world from God – a gift that we accept few and far between. I hope during my short life here on earth I play a role in changing that. My prayer is for all of us to receive this gift.


The Power of Three Life Changing Words

The Power of Three Life Changing Words

My beautiful friend, Trish, had spent many years in an abusive marriage. How anyone could ever take advantage of such a warrior, I’ll never know, but nonetheless it happened. She’d been out of the marriage for a while, healing well and holding on to Christ for her hope. I think deep down she had a desire to find a husband who would serve the Lord and love her well, but she was learning to be content whether or not that happened.

Seeking the Lord for His will for her life, she heard that promise: “Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us …” That was the promise she needed to hear to know God wasn’t finished in her life just yet.

But last month I watched her walk down the aisle in an Ephesians 3:20 wedding. It was beautiful.

I’m writing about the three most powerful words that will change your relationships and your life over at Single Matters Magazine today. Be sure and check out the rest and leave a comment.

Everything Isn’t Always As It Seems

Everything Isn’t Always As It Seems

Confession for all my farming friends… I’ve never harvested a field. Yep, I live in farm country, population 1500, surrounded by hay fields and cattle, but I’ve never harvested a single thing. However, I will gladly eat the steak and butter the corn on the cob.

All of that is about to change, but I’m traveling half way around the world to do it. When I head to Thailand in December, I’ll be right in the middle of rice harvesting season for the “Hilltribe” people. The kiddos will be working right alongside their parents in Chiang Rai, and I’ll have the opportunity to be the hands and feet of Jesus as we harvest their livelihood together.

It’s Not What You See on the Post Card

Thailand is a country that looks like a postcard at the first glance – gorgeous scenery, beautiful climate, delicious food and warm smiling people. But underneath this facade there is a great void for spiritual freedom and deliverance.


Will You Help Me Find a Kidney? (The #MendingMindy Search)

Will You Help Me Find a Kidney? (The #MendingMindy Search)

Update: Mindy went into surgery August 18, 2018 to receive a kidney. Unfortunately, on August 20th, she lost the kidney. During the day Mindy’s kidney quit producing urine due to blood clots. Mindy went back for a second surgery and due to those complications, unfortunately the doctors had to remove the kidney. She is now back to square one in search of a kidney. To learn how you or someone you know can become a donor, visit mindyneedsakidney.com.

I just learned some startling news. My friend Helen recently learned that O blood type has the longest wait time to get a kidney transplant and people of all ages are dying while waiting.

I’d love to come up with some creative play on words regarding my emotions, but I’ll just say this…. It sucks. 

Helen’s daughter, Mindy, is in desperate need of a kidney. Twice now she’s been days away from a transplant, only to find out she wasn’t a candidate. Multiple people have been tested, including myself, but haven’t been matches. I know there’s a match out there. I know there is!

I never realized the value of being a living donor until I’ve watched the struggles Mindy is going through. It’s heartbreaking to watch this beautiful mother, wife, and daughter suffer in ways we may never understand. It’s a reminder to me that we all have to step up our game so we can try to save the life of another.

Her days should be spent packing lunches, playing ball with her kids in the yard, doting on her husband, and enjoying life. But most of her time is spent simply trying to survive. Doctors appointments, dialysis, trips back and forth to the doctors. It’s become so routine in her life. Soon she’ll be headed to the Mayo clinic for more tests, needles, tears, and sleepless nights. And once again I say… this sucks. 

[ctt template=”5″ link=”d_Wvc” via=”yes” ]My friend Mindy is in desperate need of a kidney? Can you help us find a match? #mendingmindy[/ctt]

In March 2018 Mindy was only 5 days away from getting a new kidney. Her aunt was a match. Then she received the devastating news from the transplant team that the final crossmatch blood work did not pass the necessary criteria – indicating a great potential for rejection. This was a simple repeat of an earlier test, but it gave a devastating blow to the family.

So.. here’s where I need your help. I want to ask you this one big question….

Will you get tested to see whether or not your a match for Mindy? 

The contact information is provided below.


Why I’ll Never Be the Same Again

Why I’ll Never Be the Same Again

A friend called the other day to ask me some questions about my upcoming mission trip to Thailand in December. We talked about sex trafficking, orphans, long flights, and more. Then she asked me, “Why did you decide to go to Thailand?”

I wanted to give her a big theological answer, but I didn’t have one. God didn’t speak to me as I stood by the frozen shrimp section at the grocery store and tell me I needed to go. (He did that once but that’s a story for another day.)

“It just feels like the right thing to do,” I told her. “I was trying to decide between Iraq and Thailand, and Thailand seemed to be the direction my heart went because I have a passion for those who have been trafficked. I thought to myself, ‘If God wants me to go, He will make a way,’ and He has certainly done just that.”

Then she asked me another question I haven’t been able to stop thinking about.


What Thailand and My Mother’s Gray Hair Have in Common

What Thailand and My Mother’s Gray Hair Have in Common

I’m an only child. Sometimes that stinks, but I’m starting to wonder if it’s worse for my mother than it is for me. That poor woman is constantly having to talk to God about her worry over me.

I’ve never been the “average” gal. As a little girl, I didn’t dream about growing up and getting married and having kids. I was too busy making plans to save the world. I think she thought I would grow out of it, but I don’t think it’s going to happen. Yes, I’m currently accepting applications for a husband, but I’m still out to save the world. Sometimes thinking I have to fight off all the bad guys can get me into trouble and Mom dyes her hair to hide the gray I’ve caused.

So… when I told her I wanted to go to Thailand to share the Gospel with women who’ve been trafficked into the sex industry, love on orphans, and hang out with peeps in the drug rehab center, she called to make an appointment with her hair stylist before the gray started showing again.


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