Update: Mindy went into surgery August 18, 2018 to receive a kidney. Unfortunately, on August 20th, she lost the kidney. During the day Mindy’s kidney quit producing urine due to blood clots. Mindy went back for a second surgery and due to those complications, unfortunately the doctors had to remove the kidney. She is now back to square one in search of a kidney. To learn how you or someone you know can become a donor, visit mindyneedsakidney.com.
I just learned some startling news. My friend Helen recently learned that O blood type has the longest wait time to get a kidney transplant and people of all ages are dying while waiting.
I’d love to come up with some creative play on words regarding my emotions, but I’ll just say this…. It sucks.
Helen’s daughter, Mindy, is in desperate need of a kidney. Twice now she’s been days away from a transplant, only to find out she wasn’t a candidate. Multiple people have been tested, including myself, but haven’t been matches. I know there’s a match out there. I know there is!
I never realized the value of being a living donor until I’ve watched the struggles Mindy is going through. It’s heartbreaking to watch this beautiful mother, wife, and daughter suffer in ways we may never understand. It’s a reminder to me that we all have to step up our game so we can try to save the life of another.
Her days should be spent packing lunches, playing ball with her kids in the yard, doting on her husband, and enjoying life. But most of her time is spent simply trying to survive. Doctors appointments, dialysis, trips back and forth to the doctors. It’s become so routine in her life. Soon she’ll be headed to the Mayo clinic for more tests, needles, tears, and sleepless nights. And once again I say… this sucks.
[ctt template=”5″ link=”d_Wvc” via=”yes” ]My friend Mindy is in desperate need of a kidney? Can you help us find a match? #mendingmindy[/ctt]
In March 2018 Mindy was only 5 days away from getting a new kidney. Her aunt was a match. Then she received the devastating news from the transplant team that the final crossmatch blood work did not pass the necessary criteria – indicating a great potential for rejection. This was a simple repeat of an earlier test, but it gave a devastating blow to the family.
So.. here’s where I need your help. I want to ask you this one big question….
Will you get tested to see whether or not your a match for Mindy?
The contact information is provided below.