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Can I be honest with you about something? I had a panic attack yesterday morning, right in the middle of blowdrying my hair. 

The reality of releasing Jesus and Time hit me hard, and I struggled to absorb it all. The real truth… I was allowing fear to control my thoughts.

You see, when I first wrote this song in 2018, I wrote it with one person in mind – a hurting friend. I never thought that five years later, it had the possibility of reaching more women in the same situation – women desperately trying to break free from abuse and addiction. 

So when that hit me with the blow dryer on, I struggled to grasp the reality for a minute. 

But after speaking God’s truth out loud, rebuking the enemy, turning some worship music on, and receiving some prayer from some friends, my heart was calm again. 

With powerful vocals and haunting lyrics, “Jesus and Time” offers a poignant and heartbreaking glimpse into the world of an abusive relationship. The song is a testament to the struggles of those trapped in cycles of violence and trauma, unable to break free from their abusers. Listen now wherever songs are streamed.

You see… it’s not usually normal in the music business to release such a heartfelt song as your first single. People typically want uptempo, especially radio. 

And while I’m of course interested in giving people what they want, I’m most interested in being obedient to God’s dreams and desires. 

When He woke me up in the middle of the night in July and made it clear that Jesus and Time would be the first single, I decided to go along for the ride. It was much easier to be obedient when I had months before the song was released. 

Now that it’s here, I can feel the weight of it. It’s more than just a song to me. It’s a calling to give others hope – hope that Jesus really can redeem the time. 

Anyway… how’s that for vulnerability? 

With that said, I’m honored to introduce to you the song written and performed from obedience, Jesus and Time

I pray it’s a blessing to you, and if you wouldn’t mind sharing, I would be honored! 

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