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photo credit: aithom2 (creative commons)

I’m sure you have found yourself buying something simply because it was cheaper in price. I definitely have. That’s what I grew up being taught. As a matter of fact, the only name brand thing around our house was Jif peanut butter.
Cheaper isn’t always the best choice.
Yesterday I experienced this. An event I was planning to attend was moved up a week and my business cards haven’t arrived yet. I needed to get some made ASAP. The printing company I usually use couldn’t get the cards printed in time. So I called my next choice,whom I have also used in the past.
The customer service rep cut me off in mid-sentence. After I asked him if he could provide the services I needed, he said in a dry voice, “I’ll do my best.” He offered to make 50 business cards for a great price, but he couldn’t tell me that the quality would be what I wanted. I didn’t expect him to over promise, but he didn’t sound remotely interested in assisting me.
I decided to try one more company. The phone was answered by an enthusiastic voice ready to serve. I told her what I needed and she graciously agreed she could provide. Not only that, but she oferred various options to help the cards look even better. The downside? I had to place a larger order and the price was quite a bit more than I originally wanted to pay.
Her voice sold me. Her enthusiasm captured my attention. Her willingness to make business about the customer made the decision quite easy.
It isn’t just about the price. It’s about the quality.
Join the conversation. Have you decided on quality over price? For what reason? Comment below…

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