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I can’t remember a job I had prior to 2009 where I didn’t take something from my employer, whether it was a piece of paper, a stapler, money, or something as simple as a paper clip.
I deserve to take things from work. I put in my 8+ hours everyday. What’s the big deal? The boss can handle me using things for personal use here and there.

Photo Credit: kylemac via Compfight cc

Photo Credit: kylemac via Compfight cc

Entitlement used to be my middle name. 
One night in Winter 2008, all that changed for me. I was sitting in a financial bible study with my mentor, Sandy Steward. He was the type of man who made you want to be more like Jesus when he smiled.
I’ll never forget the words he said to me, as we were studying integrity in the workplace.

If you put a paperclip on a personal document that you printed, using the ink of the printer at work, then take it home, you’re a thief.

Um… Wow! I cleared my throat as the conviction punched me in the stomach.
I honestly had no idea. My conscious hadn’t told me any different. I thought it was something everyone else did, so that meant it was okay. I was wrong. I was well aware I was previously a thief when it came to the big things, but a paperclip? A tiny, metal piece that keeps me more organized? Yes, indeed.
Then Sandy told me this story of the day he asked his boss if he could print a personal document and how much he would charge. His boss looked at him like he was crazy. Who asks that question? Even the boss helped himself to such things. That day Sandy showed the light of Jesus to others in the workplace, because of a simple request to print a few papers.
If we can make that big of an impact over something so small, think of what we could do for The Kingdom with the bigger things? Something to think about, eh?

That evening changed me. His words are still embedded on my heart this very day. 

Now as a business owner who budgets paperclips and post-it-notes into life, I have an even bigger glimpse. These things add up over time, and as all the bills depend on me, not my boss, it matters.
Next time you glance at a paperclip, think about this post. Ask God to show you where in your life you need a lesson on integrity. Lord knows, I’m still learning.
P.S. – Use the metal paperclips – the plastic ones suck. (Your tip of the week)
Can you remember a time when God convicted you of something that seemed so small? Leave a comment below…

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