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Hi, I’m Sundi Jo and I’m a survivor of sexual abuse, too.
I start this letter with an apology. I’m sorry. Sorry sexual abuse is a part of your story. Devastated it was written into the book of your life. I’m sorry someone stole innocence from you without your control. What happened to you isn’t fair.
I want you to read these words carefully. Hear them. Believe them.
What happened to you is not your fault. 

You didn’t do something bad to deserve what happened to you. You are not a bad person.
I’m so proud of you for reading this letter. So proud you are seeking healing. Perhaps you’re tired of being stuck in the sadness, anger, bitterness, unforgiveness, and loneliness of the aftermath of your sexual abuse. I was, too. I’m excited for you to see beyond these things into the amazing things God has planned for your life.
My friend, God wants to rewrite your story. That doesn’t mean what happened to you isn’t real, or that it just disappears like a vapor. But when God’s grace enters into our lives, the story changes. 
He wants to redeem the time. He wants to come into the darkest places of what happened to you and show you, though you suffered, though you were violated, though you were a victim of horrible decisions chosen by others, you are still His child and He will never leave you. He loves you with an everlasting love.
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Jesus has come to restore your innocence. He promises to wash us white as snow. He will comfort the broken-hearted. He will set the captives free. Instead of the ashes left by those who burned us, He will give us a crown of beauty. He will rebuild the ancient ruins stolen by the darkened souls that laid hands on us.
Beth Moore says in Breaking Free, 

You are not defined by anything that happened to you or anything you have done. You are defined by who you are in Christ.

Oh, my sweet friend, I pray you soak up these words. What was done to you doesn’t have to define you. Let Jesus hold your broken heart in the palm of His hands. Allow Him to wrap His loving, gentle, justifying arms around you and hold you. He longs to. He longs for you to feel safe in Him. 
Please know, I don’t expect you to read this letter and be completely healed with the wave of a magic wand. But I hope it’s a start – a reminder God is ready and willing to heal the devastated places of your heart. Healing is a process. Sometimes it hurts a lot along the way. But, oh… my friend, it’s worth it.
In the end, the freedom bell rings louder than the noise of our past. 
I’m proud of you. You’re a survivor. You’re a victor. You are winning this battle, even if it doesn’t look like it on the outside, because God is changing the inside. Your story matters and I can’t wait to see what God does with it.
I love you!
~Sundi Jo
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