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photo credit: karim rezk (creative commons)

Yesterday I discussed building your gratitude muscle.
I promised I would share with you one of the ways I hold onto that gratitude. In Tommy Newberry’s book The 4:8 Principle, he recommends filling out 4:8 questions every morning and every night. Though it didn’t start to work for immediately, the results didn’t take long to show. I was finding little things to be grateful for and I didn’t have time for the negative things.
I mixed up his recommendation to suit me better and here it is. I hope you enjoy.



  1. What are five things I am thankful for right now?
  2. What are my strengths, and how can I use them today?
  3. What are three of my recent victories, and who was blessed as a result?
  4. What relationships could I affect positively today?
  5. What am I excited about experiencing over the next twelve hours?


  1. What worked well for me today?
  2. In what ways could I increase my service in the next twenty-four hours?
  3. What are five of my best achievements so far?
  4. Who could I encourage or appreciate tomorrow?
  5. What blessings surround me?

 Join the conversation. What are some other questions you could add to this list? Comment below…

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