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A friend was recently diagnosed with pancreatic cancer, and I felt led to write these decrees to pray over her. If she needs them, I know others do, so I thought I’d share.

Jesus told us that we – me and youthe church – could pray with authority in His name. Remember that as you declare these truths over your situation or that of a friend or family member.

Remember, Jesus tell us we could pray with authority in His name!

Below you will find a prayer I wrote, with decrees and declarations included, specifically targeted for pancreatic cancer. Speak them out multiple times/day if you need to. Actually, I recommend it.

Perhaps decreeing God’s Word is a new concept for you. Remember this… Jesus said that if you are a believer, He has given you “the keys of the Kingdom of Heaven. Whatever you forbid on earth will be forbidden in heaven, and whatever you permit on earth will be permitted in heaven.” (Matthew 16:19)

I have a FREE gift for YOU! Download this acoustic version of “My Jesus” that I made just for you. Download today…

May these decrees bring healing over pancreatic cancer and show you just how powerful our God is. Download the free pdf below and speak these words out multiple times/day.

Prayers and Decrees for Healing of Pancreatic Cancer

Jehovah Rapha, you are the God who heals. I thank you that you have created me for a purpose – a purpose bigger than I’ll ever fully know. Thank you that you call me daughter/son and have set a table for me in the presence of my enemies. (Psalm 23:5)

The enemy has come to steal, kill, and destroy me with pancreatic cancer, but you, Jesus, have come to give me life, and give it to me abundantly. (John 10:10)In the name of Jesus, I decree and declare that:

  • My pancreas releases the perfect amount of enzymes for digestion and that it produces the perfect amount of hormones to perfectly manage my blood sugar.
  • My pancreas absorbs nutrients perfectly, just as God intended it to.
  • My liver function and bilirubin count are perfect, just as God is perfect.

Download the full pdf here…

Unless noted, Scriptures are taken from the English Standard Version.

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