Here’s the thing: I am a pretty unorganized person according to the world’s definition of organization. However, just because I have a ton of books and papers scattered all over the place doesn’t mean I don’t know where things are.
I am finding that it is getting easier to organized and collect my thoughts though, thanks to Michael Hyatt and the free online-note taking tool called Evernote. It is becoming a new way of thinking for this highly overactive brain.
There are three things to familiarize yourself with:
- Notebooks: Easy enough, it’s a place to store your online notes.
- Stacks: A way to organize a notebook within a notebook.
- Tags: When you enter tags it makes your notes much more easily accessible. For instance, when I am creating a blog post idea, I not only enter blog post, but depending on the subject I will enter such things as leadership, faith, social media, etc.
Another great thing about Evernote: You can access it from anywhere. You can download it to pretty much any device. If you don’t have the time to time, you can enter audio notes.
How do you get started?
- Sign up for an account at
- Download to any device of your preference.
- Create some notebooks. I have included an example of what I have created so far. I’m still in the beginning stages.
- Post to Evernote.