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Yep.. I said it. And I’m thankful right now that I’m sitting behind a computer screen and you can’t shoot me. Why Obamacare is Good for Us

Actually, these were the words of Dr. Joshua Straub two weeks ago, speaking at my church. He stood in front of 1500 people on a Sunday morning, without the ability to hide behind a computer screen and agreed that Obamacare was actually a good idea. After the grumbles and moans settled down, he got to his explanation.

I do believe Obamacare is good for us.

In 2010, when Obamacare was being pushed through the Senate, many Americans, including myself, didn’t pay attention to what was really going on. We simply continued to watch our reality television and distract ourselves with other things.

Then.. it was too late. It’s 2013 and Obamacare is here!

Now people are waking up because their wallets are being affected, but guess what? It’s too late. We’re being hit personally, but guess what? It’s too late. It has surrounded us and doesn’t intend to leave anytime soon.
The reason I think Obamacare is a good idea, is not because of the services being offered. It’s a good thing because it’s causing America to open our eyes again and see the things being forced upon us. If a big piece of legislation such as this swoops in on us, what else is coming in the future?

Here’s where I’m going with this.

What happens next? What’s the next law to take effect that will change our lives and the history of our country forever?
We often talk about it, but I have a sad feeling, without us returning to our knees in prayer as a country, we’re in trouble. Are the days where we hide our Bibles in a nook of the house upon us? Christians are already becoming the minority. We’re slapped with a lawsuit for putting a nativity scene outside of a building. But what are we doing to fight back?
This post isn’t about whether or not socialized healthcare is a good idea. It’s about waking up to what’s happening around us.
It’s a wake up call to get back on our knees, humbly, and repent for what we have turned this country into. The majority of our government leaders aren’t. Our president certainly isn’t. But we can.
Let’s open our eyes together before another “Obamacare” sneaks up on us with life-changing results we can’t do anything about. Join me in prayer for our government. 

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