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I don’t make New Year’s resolutions. I set achievable goals, with action plans.
I also make one word my theme for the year. Last year was productive. The year before, intentional.
This year I’m keeping it simple, because simple is sometimes most profound.

“No.” That’s my word. 

I told my mom and she looked at me with two heads. “Why would that be your word?”
Here’s the deal:
I was going to choose obedience. Then I decided I focus. Then it hit me. If I don’t start saying no to people, ideas, and things, even though they may be great, then I can’t focus. If I can’t keep my focus, then I can’t be obedient to what God’s calling me to do.
Plain. And. Simple.
Confession? I may have been productive in some things last year, but I’ve disobedient. I’ve been distracted by too many ideas and offers presented before me. Because of that, I’ve been disobedient in the mission God has called me to fulfill.
I’m grieving it right now, as I write these words, actually.

Today I have to say “no.”

No to building another website. No to publishing that book for now. No to focusing on building my platform. No to that workshop I want to create. No. No. No.
[Tweet “Sometimes we have to say no to great things so we can say yes to even better. “]
Yes to opening Esther’s House. Yes to offering hope to broken women. Yes to telling people about Jesus.
Yes to saying “no.”
[reminder]What’s the one word that will change your 2015? [/reminder]

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