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2019 was a BIG year. A year where I caught my breath, held my breath, lost my breath, and caught it again.

I started 2019 playing the air guitar, with a little less fear of what others thought about me than the year before. I started 2020 playing the air guitar, with a lot less fear of what others thought about me than the year before. It felt nice. But my knees hurt a little more this go around. Lay off the sugar, Sundi Jo.

I experienced adventures, drama, comedy, and heartbreaks.

I dug deeper into Spiritual Warfare like never before and saw my prayer life become stronger. I fought for things from a spiritual perspective instead of in the flesh and saw amazing results.

I also found myself fighting for things in the flesh and getting myself into trouble.

I lost my job at 3:30p on a Tuesday afternoon and by 4:45 that same day the Lord had saved it, thanks to an Excel spreadsheet. Oh, what a sense of humor He has.

I watched my dog and furry best friend be killed before my very eyes and experienced a heartbreak I wouldn’t wish upon my worst enemy.

I went on numerous dates with my grandma to Branson, Bingo, and Beyond. It was awesome!

I spoke in prisons and conferences and to probation and parole officers on the power of finding our “why”.

Ready to find your identity in who Christ says you are, not the world? Download the Who I Am in Christ audio download today, where I personally walk you through reclaiming your identity with the powerful reminder through Scripture of who God says you really are. Let’s get free together!

I taught over 50 justice-involved individuals their value and saw some of their eyes light up for the first time in their lives.

I watched a valuable friendship come to an end.

I gained more weight than I’d hoped to.

I spent more time in the neurologist’s office still dealing with the effects of the black mold than I’d hoped to.

I watched a different friendship become repaired.

I spent Thanksgiving on the beach.

I let the Lord do more inner healing in my heart regarding some lies I’d been believing about myself.

I prayed over the streets of Belle and interceded for my community.

I settled on a new home church -. one I never expected to be at and God did some amazing healing in my heart.

I faced my fears and bought a box drum.

I faced my fears and introduced the world to Tooty Mae Woolley.

I faced my fears and signed up to run for City Council.

And I got a cat. Make that two cats.

2019 was a good year. A hard year. A fun year. Some heartbreaks. Lots of tears. Lots of laughs. Lots of prayers. Lots of victories.

Here’s to 2020 being the BEST. YEAR. EVER.



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