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It was a weekend full of barbecue, boating, and honoring those who died for our freedom. If I may be honest, it was less about Memorial Day and more about food. What about you?

Photo Credit: MrTopher via Compfight cc

Photo Credit: MrTopher via Compfight cc

The weekend started off well. I had full intentions of not letting gluttony be the center of attention. I would walk in self-control.
Saturday was pretty good. I didn’t even have dessert. When Sunday came, however, it was as though I needed to make up for lost time. I closed out Monday night with ice cream and a snow cone and an extra scoop of shame to top it off.

It’s not always about what we eat, but why we eat it. 

I’m not saying you should never touch a snow cone. There are times we’re going to eat things that serve no nutritional purpose for our bodies. We’re human. But, I think it’s important to ask ourselves why we’re doing what we’re doing.
You see, I didn’t eat the snow cone because I was hungry and wanted to enjoy it. I ate it because I was tired, emotional, and didn’t feel like saying “No.” I let go of all self-control and said a quick “Screw it” before diving in.
Then it was over.

It’s important for me to have a routine in life. Without structure, I’m a mess.

Unfortunately, all structure was tossed aside for the weekend. I could see things were beginning to spiral out of control, but I gave into my feelings of being too tired to deal with the truth, so I just avoided it and kept walking closer and closer to the edge, until I was falling into the dark abyss.
I went two days without spending quiet time with God. I thought opening my Jesus Calling devotional for a quick read would suffice, but it didn’t. I wasn’t trying to spend time with God. I was simply saying, “Here.. if I read this, then we’ll be good and I can go on about my day.” How foolish I was.
A relationship with God isn’t a drive-thru. It’s not about a quick fix. It requires commitment. (Tweet that)
Feeling defeated, instead of throwing my hands in the air and surrendering to the only One who could save me from myself, I put my hands in the air and surrendered to my fleshly desire to do things myself.

His grace is enough. 

So, here I am with two choices:
I can stay in the shame and despair of my decisions, or I can accept God’s grace and mercy and embrace a new day, with new opportunities. I’m choosing option two.
I’m taking responsibility and moving forward.
I’m going to focus on the next right step, because that’s all He is asking of me. (Tweet that, too)
I bet I’m not alone here, huh? If you struggled through the weekend with self-destructive choices, you are okay. You are human.
Forgiveness awaits you. Take it. Grace is ready to wash over you. Receive it. Mercy triumphs over the condemnation you may be speaking over yourself.
Let’s surrender together. Today. In this moment. Because it’s the next right step.
Where in your life do you need God’s grace today? Share in the comments below… 

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