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photo credit: cafe press

Allow me to introduce myself…
I’m a sophisticated redneck. 
What does that mean exactly? Notta clue. Perhaps it means that I’m a redneck who moved to the city. Maybe it means I add some class to the word “ain’t.” I really have no idea.
There have been people in my life who have tried to change me. I’m sure that never goes away. I always want to improve myself. We all should. Some women think the perfect love song comes from Michael Bolton, Celine Dion, Elton John. The list goes on..
Me? I happen to think one of the greatest love songs out right now is Blake Shelton’s “Honey Bee.” I love it. I love everything about it. As I listened to this song tonight I started thinking. There are some things in my that I don’t mind changing, (like the mullet I had in high school), but there are some things that will always be me.

  • flip-flops
  • long sleeve shirts with the sleeves rolled up
  • snakes (except rattlesnakes – there’s another story for another day)
  • country music
  • the windows down on a sunny day
  • trucks
  • country music
  • the word “ain’t” with a twang when i get fired up and feeling feisty
  • fishing
  • did i mention country music?

Are you comfortable with you who are? 

Enjoy Blake Shelton with me. Click here..

What’s your favorite love song? Leave a comment below…

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