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There are just some things in life that suck. There are circumstances we become a part of that are out of our control and that too sucks. So, what do we do about it?

Living Alive vs. Accepting Life

photo credit: ken davis

Do we accept those circumstances or do we simply live with them? 
God has been showing me lately that there is a difference. In Ken Davis’ new book, Fully Alive: Lighten Up and Live – A Journey that Will Change Your LIfeKen asks this question:

“When did we stop living life and start letting life happen to us?”

For three years I’ve had consistent health issues that have shaken my world, tested my faith, taught me more than I knew was possible about perseverance, and showed me the never-ending grace of our God. I’ll admit at times my attitude has not been that of which God desires. I’ve blamed. Screamed. Cried. Cussed. Fought. Of course I’ve asked why a million times at least.
After more doctor’s visits than I care to discuss, it’s hard not to get weary. I got tired of fighting. I got tired of trying. So I decided to just accept what was happening to me. I guess I would have to come to terms with the fact that I’d feel like an 80-year-old in the body of a 28-year-old for the rest of my life. I started to accept that things were just what they were and that was that.
But God wasn’t ready to accept that. He’s been slowly changing my heart and my attitude.

I’m learning there’s a difference between acceptance and living with our circumstances.

Accepting what was happening to me was a cop-out. A reason to stop fighting. A reason to let fear keep me from living. Recently, God has shown me through Davis’ book is that acceptance is not the way to live.

Living is the way to live.

What exactly do I mean by that? How is accepting circumstances not living?
But I Can’t Sleep
One of the symptoms I have is insomnia. I used to lie awake at night and ask God why He wouldn’t let me sleep. Since I’ve started to live with the fact that insomnia is a symptom, I’m choosing to embrace it. It’s 1:25 am right now and I’m writing this blog. I’m writing it with a smile, because I know by doing so, I’m choosing to live. God and I have some amazing prayer times together during sleepless nights. When I get tired again I’ll go back to sleep. Until then, I’m going to live fully alive.
I’m Too Tired
I struggle with fatigue. Things that “normal” people my age do sometimes tends to wipe me out. There are days the life seems to quickly drain out of me and I need a nap. For a while I told myself this is the way it would be forever. I accepted that. Now, I’m choosing to get up and take a nap when the fatigue hits. I set my alarm for an hour and plan for that to be enough time to power me back up. I wake up, refocus my priorities, and start to live fully alive again.
It Hurts Too Much
My body hurts. I can easily use it as an excuse not to exercise. I was using it as an excuse. But when I realized after my recent stay in the hospital that I had gained 23 lbs. back, I was not okay with that. God and I had come way too far for that. Now I tell myself I will go to the gym, even if it’s only for five minutes. I can do it through the pain. Most times, an hour later and I feel so empowered I don’t want to stop. There’s something about sweating on the treadmill and the elliptical that make me feel fully alive.
I know my life won’t be like this forever. I’m in a season – a very long season. I’m trusting in God’s healing power. Whether that’s through a miracle, or He uses a doctor to fix me, I don’t know. But I’m refusing to keep accepting that this is the way life will be.

Instead, I’m going to live with my circumstances and let God guide me, however long that takes.

“Persistence, commitment, and hope lead to life. Obstacles and challenges simply make it more interesting.” – Ken Davis

In what area(s) of your life do you need to start living fully alive? Leave a comment below… 

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