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I get fidgety when I hear the word “stillness.” I immediately think of silence and my mind starts to freak out with all the thoughts that will consume me if it gets too quiet. I sleep with a fan for the love of Pete.
I used to think like that anyway, before I really got an understanding of what stillness is through Abby Lewis’ book Living Still. (Okay, I still think that way sometimes, but I’m getting better)

Lewis takes you through four parts of learning what it’s really like to be still: Spirit, Mind, Body, and Free to Live.
I learned that stillness looks different for everyone. For example, for Abby, stillness is sitting in nature, feeling God’s love through a ladybug. Stillness for me comes in different forms. I’m a music lover. I seem to think more clearly when there is music in my ear, especially worship music. As Lewis challenges readers to find what keeps them still enough to hear from God, I was excited to know that God and I could have some great conversations, even when there’s noise. That doesn’t mean there aren’t times he wants me to turn the noise off, but I love knowing he reaches us all differently.

Stillness allows me to keep my ears in tune to God’s still, small voice so He can guide and direct me in the way I should go.”

It was a convicting read for me really. We live in a busy world, and unfortunately, many of the choices I make contribute to even more busyness. I don’t want that. I want peace. Calm. Stillness. But I can’t find it if I’m not willing to slow down enough to listen to God. Living Still provides you with the tools necessary to get back on the right path in having a calmer, well-balanced life.
Here’s what Abby says will happen if you make the choice to be still before God:

You will begin to walk in peace as you rely on God’s strength, wisdom and direction rather than your own.” 

Why didn’t I think of that? Oh yeah, probably because I’ve been too busy to slow down. It’s not a just a one time read. It’s a book to go back to again and again, because it’s so easy to get caught up in chaos of today.
Not only have I enjoyed the book, but I’ve actually been witness to Abby Lewis living out the words she’s written. She’s my massage therapist and I’m constantly seeing her practice what she preaches. She’s pretty good at noticing when I’m following the busy path versus the still path too. It’s great to see an author put her words to action, which makes me only want to share this book with you more.
If you want to learn how to find stillness in the day in and day out, hustle and bustle of this busy world, I highly recommend you read the book. Warning: there are a few things in the book that may slap you with a good dose of reality.
In what ways do you enjoy stillness with God? 

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