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As I continue to grow in leadership, the more I realize my actions are being watched from every angle. But most importantly, regardless of who is watching me, I always know God is.
Stepping into a role of leadership means that expectations are higher. It is up to me to set a good example for those around me. No pressure..
I don’t always do it right.
I recently attended a ball game with some friends. I decided to pack a bag of Cheerios to bring with me in case I wanted a snack later. When I got to the ball park my friends let me know I would have to hide the cereal because it wasn’t allowed past the gates. I didn’t realize that. So, without thinking I stuck the Ziploc bag in the pocket of my shorts and walked through with my ticket.
Those around seemed ok with it. But I wasn’t. I was doing something wrong and I knew it.
Later as others around me munched on ice cream and funnel cakes, I got my Cheerios out and snacked away. But with every bite I took, the guilt ate at me even more. I was breaking the rules.
It reads in Romans 13:5:

Therefore, it is necessary to submit to the authorities, not only because of possible punishment but also because of conscience.  

You may be saying to yourself, “You only brought in Cheerios. It’s not like you stole anything. It’s not that big of a deal.”
It is a big deal. The rules clearly stated that no outside food or drink was allowed. Yet I did it anyway. I not only chose to disobey ballpark rules, I disobeyed God.
As I sat later and thought about it, I found myself asking forgiveness for not only being disobedient, but proving a horrible example for my peers around me.
What did that say about my character? 
I hate to disappoint, but this goes for the movie theater too. Sneaking in that can of soda and bag of chips should be something you reconsider.

If someone is willing to sneak a bag of cereal into a ball park when it’s against the rules, will the next step be cheating on their taxes?

God sees all. Not just some. All.

I would love to know your thoughts on this. What other examples can you give regarding this situation? Comment below…

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