Do you ever have those moments where you snap and five seconds later wish you could bury your head in the sand and pretend it didn’t happen? Yeah, me too.
I can get so caught up in the busyness of life, that I tune out other things around me because I go into “get r done” mode. Yes, I just used a redneck word to explain myself.
The other night I was sitting in bed with my computer in my lap, typing away. My little cousin Caleb, who has been staying with me this summer, climbed up in the bed next to me to read. After I had finished typing an email I needed to send, I started reading some of my favorite daily blogs that I keep up with.
I was in the middle of reading about Jesus and all I could hear was my name being repeated. It wasn’t in an annoying way. It was a gentle, calming voice saying my name. After he touched my arm, I quickly turned my head away from the Christian blog that would “inspire me to be a better person” and snapped, “What?!”
He looked at me and said, “I was just going to tell you that you are an unrepeatable miracle.”
Insert sigh here…
I felt like a complete jerk. I was a complete jerk. Not only did I let the busyness of life become priority, I let the busyness of being a “Christian” become a priority over building a relationship with someone who looks up to me. Thank God for forgiveness and grace.
I quickly apologized for my reaction and he quickly accepted. Five minutes later we were laughing and picking out DIY crafts on Pinterest. He has probably forgotten it, but I haven’t.
I don’t want to be remembered for snapping at those I love. I don’t want to be remembered for being too religious to have relationships. I don’t want to be remembered for being unappreciative of others’ grace and compassion toward me.
This little ten-year old boy has taught me many lessons in the short time of his life, and I know he will continue to teach me more. I want him to remember me as a responder, not a reactor.
How about you?
Can you think of a time you reacted and quickly realized you made a mistake? What was the next step you took to repair the mistake? Comment below…