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So, I want to tell you about a new ministry launching soon. It’s called LeadHer. The name itself catches your attention eh?
Here’s the mission: to encourage, educate, equip, and exemplify biblical leadership for women so they can have a stronger impact within their spheres of influence.
What’s exciting about this new ministry, which officially launches in May, is that there are some amazing Godly women involved, a few I happen to have the privilege of walking with in my faith.
Here are just a few:
Christi Love, the Executive Director/CEO of LeadHer, and time management expert. Christie was a guest on the Living Truth Radio Show, where she shared her time management expertise with us.
Jennifer White, who serves on the marketing team for a Christian publishing company, comes on board as a speaker and writer. I’m thrilled beyond words how God will use her to impact the lives of others. She is a picture of God’s grace to all who meet her. I recently blogged about God’s love shining through her here.
Lyn Smith, Bible teacher, speaker, writer, and co-host of our Living Truth show, will be speaking and writing about God’s truth as well. It’s gonna be exciting!
The list doesn’t stop there. Visit the LeadHer Facebook page for more information and updates on what’s happening in this unique ministry.

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