Just what I needed to read – another book about abandonimg myself and doing something for The Kingdom.
Yes – it’s EXACTLY what I needed to read.
Seth Barnes takes you on a journey of self-discovery on the pages of Kingdom Journeys, while taking you through the many journeys of others throughout their experiences of walking away from comfort to walk closer to Christ.
We Must All Be Broken
If we don’t face the things in our lives that really cause us to break, perhaps we can continue to live comfortably, but we won’t really be living. Pain has to happen. Here’s what Barnes says:
The alternative is to run. You can take a pill to make your pain go away. You can watch a movie. You can drink a beer or go to sleep. You can eat your banana muffin and your pint of ice cream. Those things will push away the pain … for a while.
Living On Our Knees
What does this mean? It means we have to come to a point in our lives where we truly surrender. We have to stop being self-sufficient and let God be in charge. Easier said than done, I know.
God won’t fully use us until we take a knee. Tweet That
Get the Book — Plus Six Exclusive Bonuses for FREE!
I could go on all day about the book, really. But you need to read it for yourself. Seriously, you won’t be dissapointed.
To give you even more reason to buy the book, if you purchase by Oct. 13 and email a copy of your receipt to kjbookpromo@gmail.com, you’ll ge the six free bonuses! Here they are:
- Kingdom Journeys discussion questions: This is a PDF you’re welcome to print and distribute to as many people as you like. Seth wrote each question to help faciliate group discussions and personal reflection about the book (a $7.99 value).
- All digital copies of the book: Want to read the book on your Kindle, iPad, Nook, or computer? You’ll get a free downloadable copy of the book in .mobi, .ePub, and PDF formats (a $14.99 value).
- The Art of Listening Prayer: This is a month-long devotional Seth wrote years ago about how to hear from God. It’s the one core teaching of his ministry and the theme of his faith walk (a $9.99 value).
- The Secret of Abundant Living: This is a never-before-released book about fasting and spiritual disciplines that Seth wrote. In it, he explores Isaigh 58, one of the key biblical passages of his life, and what it means for us, practically (a $13.99 value).
- The Warrior’s Journal: This is an extensive, nine-week study on spiritual warfare that Seth wrote for missionaries but applies to any believer facing a fight for their faith (a $22.95 value).
- Revolution of a Broken Heart: This is another exclusive book that Seth’s only ever shared with staff and donors. These are some of the most heart-breaking, yet life-giving stories, Seth has experienced. In spending time in the developing world, he’s found that what Jesus said about the poor being blessed is true (a $11.99 value).
Check out more details on how you can get over $80 worth of stuff.