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Everyone’s talking about it. Both believers and non-believers have touched the subject of the end of the world. Depending on who you ask, global warming will destroy the world, or Jesus could be coming back.
If you’re a follower of Jesus, you know what the answer is.

Books about the end times tend to turn me off. Many tend to focus on counting down the day when Jesus will return, when their focus should be on telling the billions of unsaved people who Jesus is.
When I recieived the opportunity to review It Could Happen Tomorrow by Gary Frazier, I went into it skeptical. Fortunately, during the read my skepticism disappeared. Frazier did a great job making it apparent his concern for the unsaved. He wasn’t just writing a book trying to prove a point. There was genuine concern in his words. Not only was I impressed with that, but he wasn’t just pushing another opinion about the end of the world.
Gary provides great detail on biblical prophecies that have already come to pass, as well as laying out details in the book of Revelation that will open your eyes to the events that have taken place in present times. The book wasn’t full of man’s opinion – it consisted of facts and possible scenarios that could take place in the years to come.
Poeople can easily get freaked out when the Rapture is brought up in conversation, especially for non-believers. Not with this book. Frazier doesn’t deny the concern we should have, but he does so in a way that It Could Happen Tomorrow could easily be understood by those who are on the fence with their faith, or those who may not know Jesus at all.
Get in depth details on the great disappearing, how the United States fits into prophecy, the temple being rebuilt in Jerusaleum, the Antichrist, what the glorious appearing will be like, and more.
Something that caught my attention as Frazier wrote about the final judgment:

For those who aren’t saved, the final judgment is a time of great sorrow, where the death penalty is meted out to pay for the sins of those who didn’t accept Christ’s sacrifice.”

It brought me back to the reality that the book isn’t just about the end times. It’s about peoples lives. Are we concerned enough that it could happen tomorrow that we’re willing to get out of our comfort zones and tell others about Christ? For those of us who are believers, are our actions and lives showing we are Christ followers?
I encourage you to read It Could Happen Tomorrow. Get true insight as to where we are according to prophecies given in the Bible. It just might open your eyes to some things you didn’t know existed. It did mine.
Do you believe we’re in the last days? Comment below..

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