We have always been taught that the customer is always right. I’m not so sure I agree with that. Her are my thoughts:
The customer should always be the focus, but the customers isn’t always right.
I recently received an email regarding a client I represent. The customer was not happy with the product she received. She proceeded to tell me so by talking to me like a was a five-year old. Her tone and her words showed me immediately that there were some serious issues in this woman’s heart.
I am learning to set boundaries in my life, and that includes the way I allow others to talk to me. I think we forget that though we can’t control others, we can control what we allow ourselves to be exposed to. After taking a moment to compose myself before replying and saying what my flesh really wanted to say, this was part of my reply, after apologizing for her inconvenience:
If you are willing to review our product perhaps we can work something out. However, we will have to work on our communication together. Though I appreciate your forwardness in your email, some of your statements may not be necessary to do business together. We want our customers to be happy, but we also set boundaries in maintaining respectful communication.
She didn’t receive that well.
Her reply was just as rude as the one before. Do I regret sending her that email? Absolutely not. I maintained respect for the customer but also boldy, with grace, stood my ground on how I operated.
Being rude is not necessary and it may get you want you want in the beginning, but the end always turns out rough. I know because I have been on both sides. I have cussed out customer service reps when I didn’t get my way and I have been cussed out. Both sides are ugly. I thank God for the heart change He has done in me.
Next time something doesn’t go your way think about how you will handle the situation before you do so. Remember, you are always setting an example for someone, whether good or bad.
Do you have any customer service experiences, good or bad, to share? Leave a comment below…