“If we claim to put God first in our lives, then why have we become a society with an emphasis on the personal?”
That’s the question Robert Benson asks in the book In Constant Prayer, from Thomas Nelson Publishing.
I must say this book introduced me to things I did not know existed, such as praying the Office Prayer. We have strayed so far away from the ancient practices of prayer throughout the centuries, that it has become completely common for me not to realize such a prayer exists.
Benson points out that maybe our Christian communities aren’t held together tight enough because of our lack of prayer. It makes complete sense. I will say there were some confusing parts for me in the book, in which I had to go back and reread, but it spoke a lot of truth to me as well.
The Daily Office prayer is introduced as a “regular pattern and order for formal worship and prayer that is offered to God at specific times throughout the day . Each set of prayers , known as an office, is made up of psalms, scriptures, and prayers.
Are you wondering if your prayer life could use some adjusting? In Constant Prayer will help you do just that.
Thank you much for taking the time to read IN CONSTANT PRAYER in the first place, for saying kind things about what you read, and for sharing it with your friends. I am honored, humbled and grateful.
And thank you for praying for Joanne and Toben and the girls. They are dear friends.
Be in touch.
Namaste —
Robert Benson thelongpew.com
Happy to read it. Great stuff! My honor to pray for Joanne and her family. She has impacted a lot of lives.
I am currently writing a book. If you’re ever interested in reading and possibly writing an endorsement, I would be happy to let you 🙂
Have an awesome day!