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So, I’ve been thinking and praying about the topic for my next book. Actually, I’ve already started the proposal and written part of the introduction.
The book is about the church’s view of homosexuality.
Here’s the premise:

Many Christians look at homosexuality as an epidemic – a contagious plague that must be avoided. Damnation is preached instead of grace extended. As a result, those living in the homosexual lifestyle run from the church without a concept of what a personal relationship with Jesus Christ looks like. The purpose of this book is to remind the church that people don’t go to hell because they are gay; they go to hell because they don’t know Jesus. The book will equip the church to extend love and grace to this lifestyle without approving of the sin.

I need your thoughts.
Would you read it or am I opening a can of too much controversy? Please share your thoughts with me below… 

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