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We’re in that time of year where we could all use a little extra encouragement. 2020 has been a rough year for many, and I’m sure we all know someone who’s been affected by COVID-19.

We need to be in prayer now more than ever, wouldn’t you agree?

My friend Jennifer O. White says, “Prayer is such a loving act. Receiving something personal in the mail reminds us that we are special to someone. In a very hard season of my life, getting a hand-written note card from someone was such a sign of hope for me.”

I couldn’t agree more. I love getting cards in the mail unexpectedly. It just brightens my day.

Jennifer just introduced her new prayer card service and I can’t wait for you to see it.

It takes just a few minutes to speak a simple prayer to an endlessly powerful God and write a few life-giving words on a card. The impact of that prayer and the happy mail received is hardly measurable.

Will you join forces with Jennifer and help people know they are seen and loved?

Learn more about Jenster’s (that’s what I call her) prayer cards and see samples for yourself at http://www.jenniferowhite.com/prayer-cards/.

Let’s bring joy to the hearts of others together!

Prayer is such a loving act. Receiving something personal in the mail reminds us that we are special to someone.

Jennifer O. White

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