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Did you know that over 60% of Americans are overweight? That would explain why diabetes, heart disease, and more continues to increase.
Walk into any grocery store and many of the products read boldy, “low-fat”, “no trans fats”, “zero net carbs,” and more. What does that really mean? Does it mean that if it says “sugar free” I can eat all I want? That’s what I used to think. But the healthier I got the more I learned. Many of the words on the labels today are dangerous.
Woman’s Day recently released a list of 52 superfoods to get you back on track. I wanted to share with you. They recommend cleaning out your kitchen and tossing as many unhealthy items as possible. Rule of thumb: if you can’t pronounce the ingredients, you probably shouldn’t keep it.
Here are a few of the superfoods from the list I eat:

  • Eggs – They are an excellent source of protein.
  • Apples – Contains antioxidants.
  • Steel-cut oats – Not as processed and a great source of fiber. Stick them in the crockpot and add some apples to kick it up a notch!
  • Spinach – Great source of vitamin K, helps build strong bones, and more.
  • Brown rice – Great source of magnesium.
  • Kiwi – One of my favorites. High source of vitamin C.
  • Asparagus – Another one of my favorites. Pretty sure I could eat it everyday. P.S. – it helps to banish bloating.
  • Sweet potatoes – Get your dose of vitamin A and protect your vision and immune system.
  • Peanut butter  – Ok, I admit, I may be addicted to peanut butter. I love it! As long as I don’t eat the whole jar, it has great protein and amino acids.
  • Edamame  – Just had it for lunch yesterday. Thank you to my friend Jennifer for introducing me to it. It contains protein, fiber, and more.
To view the complete list of the superfoods click here….
What are some of your favorite and not so favorite foods on the list?

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