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Today is Tuesday. Yesterday was Monday. Know what that means? That’s the day you were “going” to start that new diet. The day you were going to get to the gym. The day you were going to throw the Pringles out of the cupboard.
Though I haven’t done a survey to get the accurate numbers, based on my own experience, I would bet more than half of those who wait until Monday to start their diets or exercise plans are back into failure mode by Wednesday.
It’s hard truth, but hear me out.

To start on track for a new healthy lifestyle, you have to have the right mindset. You have to be ready to do it for you. You have to be ready to say goodbye to those things that are hindering you. You have to be ready for a new life.
[Tweet “If you’re not ready to get healthy on Saturday, you won’t be ready on Monday. “]
If you’re not ready on Saturday, you won’t be ready on Monday. Why? Because you’re telling yourself you’re ready, but you’re waiting another two days to implement the changes.
Perhaps you think Monday is the start of a new week, you can put the past week behind you and you’ll really kick into gear this time. But what if you don’t? What if Wednesday comes and you’re hit with the same stress that hit you the Wednesday before? All of a sudden, those Pringles look enticing.
Well, shoot. You ruined your diet two days in. You feel defeated. You’re ready to give up. Thursday you’re back to doing what you were doing before. Friday comes along and you tell yourself you’ll start on Monday. Yes.. Monday brings a new day.
What if you just started where you are right now? Today. In this moment. Why wait six more days to get healthy? Today is waiting for you now. Take advantage of it and simply focus on taking the next right step.
[Tweet “Today is waiting for you now. Take advantage of it. “]
Today I share with your four steps you can take to live the healthy life you’ve always wanted and get rid of excuses.

Take responsibility for where you are right now

Maybe you’re reading this after you’ve eaten a jelly donut for breakfast. Perhaps you haven’t been to the gym in two months. Maybe you need GPS to even find the gym. That’s ok. It is what it is, but it doesn’t have to stay where it is.
Admit to yourself that you’re in a sucky place right now, but you’re ready to get out. It’s Tuesday. Take responsibility for what you’re going today. Make this the day you decide to implement a change, not Monday.

Find an accountability partner

I’ve talked about the power of accountability multiple times.
In my opinion, it’s key to your success in getting healthy. Whether you want someone to ask you if you’ve been to the gym this week, or if you need to call a friend when you want to turn to the Pringles instead of dealing with what’s really going on in your heart, find a safe person to confide in.
I wouldn’t be where I’m at today without being accountable to others. i have personal accountability partners, as well as sharing my successes and struggles with others in a public Facebook group. Accountability is being vulnerable. When you’re vulnerable, others are able to go through your life with you; the good, bad, and ugly.

Do it afraid

Making changes is hard. It’s scary. I believe fear is what keeps us waiting until Monday while we still live in destruction the rest of the week. I recommend asking yourself this question, What do I have to lose?
There are two ways to phrase that question. What do you have to lose by starting today instead of waiting? Absolutely nothing. What do you have to lose by waiting until Monday? More than you realize.
As Jon Acuff says in his book, Start, it’s time to “punch fear in the face.” Let’s do this thing!

Push through your feelings

You’re tired. You’re raising three kids and trying to be a good wife. You’re climbing the corporate ladder and focusing on anything else is hard for you right now. (Insert your situation here.)
[Tweet “When you wake up tomorrow, you’ll still be there. “]
When you wake tomorrow, you’ll still be there. Your feelings are lying to you. You do have time to exercise. You do have time to find something healthier to eat. If you don’t make time to take care of yourself first, you can’t take care of anyone else. Eventually your juice will run out.
Our feelings often lie to us. It’s one of the devil’s greatest tactics. Newsflash: He’s a jerk. God created you for more and it’s time you start living it out.
If you don’t feel like replacing the Oreos with something more satisfying, ask yourself why. What are your feelings lying to you about? If you think it’s useless to go to the gym today because you screwed up yesterday, ask yourself that same question.
I know these steps work, friend, because I’ve applied them to my life. I’m still applying them. I don’t get them right everyday. But that’s the power of God’s grace – His mercies are new every morning and we get a second chance to do it right. We just have to take the next right step.
I’m doing this with you. No more excuses. How about it?
[reminder]Which of these four steps can you implement today to say goodbye to excuses and become a healthier you?[/reminder]

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