Ever heard of a gentleman’s club? I heard it in a song recently and it made my stomach ill.

Photo Credit: Curtis Gregory Perry via Compfight cc
Here’s the definition according to Webster’s Dictionary:
a nightclub for men that features scantily clad women dancers or stripteasers
Upon further research I learned the first gentleman’s club was established in London for upper class men. Doesn’t that just sound sophisticated and socially acceptable?
It makes my blood boil!
First of all, let’s call it a strip club, because that’s what it is. Second of all, the word gentleman belongs absolutely nowhere in the vicinity of a strip club.
The definition of gentleman is as follows:
a chivalrous, courteous, or honorable man.
There is absolutely nothing courteous, chivalrous, or honorable about a man walking into a bar to see women dance naked for him. So how about we stop calling it a gentleman’s club?
Allow me to be completely vulnerable for a moment.
I was 17 years old the first time I stepped into a strip club.
The images still haunt me today. I saw things no 17-year old girl should have ever seen. I also saw girls only a year older than me standing before these “gentleman” naked for their pleasure.
Looking back on it now, do you know what I see?
I see a woman standing on that stage who didn’t know who she was in Christ. I see a broken girl starving for affection and affirmation in her life. I see a smoke-filled building full of broken hearts, anger, pride, lust, and more.
I also see a man who, behind the dollar bills and gin on his breath, doesn’t know who he is in Christ. I see a man finding fulfillment in the world because God is not his source. I see a man using a broken woman to help him mask the pain of what’s really going on in life.
Then I see a 17-year old me, trying to fit into a “normal” world. Trying to cover my own pain. I too, didn’t know who I was in Christ.
The Gentleman’s club is a playground for Satan.
I’m calling it like it is and reminding myself that we are not fighting against flesh-and-blood enemies, but against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against mighty powers in this dark world, and against evil spirits in the heavenly places. (See Ephesians 6:10).
I’m reminded the devil prowls around like a roaring lion ready to devour.
He steals the confidence from a woman who soon finds herself dancing around a stage naked, hundreds of eyes gazing at her nightly. He steals the courage from a husband who finds himself paying for a lap dance because he doesn’t feel secure enough to provide for his wife.
I pray for the eyes of every strip club owner to be opened. I pray they see that the devil is using them as a tool for his glory. I pray for the hearts and minds of every woman standing on that stage to be healed by the blood of Jesus. I pray for the eyes and hearts of those stepping foot inside to be entertained to be opened to see what is really happening around them.
I pray freedom for the captives. I pray for our legislation to open their eyes to the pain and suffering strip clubs and pornography are causing in the lives of so many, including children, teenagers, and adults. I pray for every door to be shut and locked.
Will you join me in prayer?