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Ten months ago I met this bamboo plant for the first time. That very same day I met Leah. They both have an interesting story.
Let’s start with “Bamboo”. When the plant made it’s home on the breakfast table in the nook of the Table Rock Freedom Center, it was just an ordinary plant. It was a bit dry, needed some attention, but it had a lot of potential. It was setting in a perfect place for the sun to give it life.
Now there’s Leah. There was an emptiness about her, she needed some attention, but she had so much potential. She was sitting in the perfect place for the son to give her life.
Today I sit back in admiration, both at the flourishing bamboo plant and Leah. God has done a mighty work in both of them. There were days the leaves of the plant turned brown, but she offered it nourishment. There were days Leah wasn’t sure if she had the strength to endure anymore hardships, but through prayer and spiritual nourishment the branches of her trees continued to bloom.
When you walk into the kitchen, “Bamboo” is one the first things you see. It has gotten so tall in the last few months. It brings so much color to the room.
When you walk into any room that Leah’s in, you see Jesus in her. You see a beautiful woman who is no longer tied to her addiction. You see life. You see colors. You see love.
The Bamboo plant symbolizes luck and success because of its ability to grow quickly, strength and resilience. I don’t know about the whole “luck” thing. We are creations in Christ Jesus, we don’t need luck. But I completely believe in its resilience and strength – not just in the plant, but in Leah as well.
It is my honor to call her friend. The last ten months of walking by her side and seeing the transformation of Jesus in her fills my heart with joy.
Never forget the potential God has created for you. It’s up to you to go out and get it!

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