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I was always overweight. Eating was my way to cope. I ate when I was sad. I ate to celebrate. I rummaged through the cupboard when I was bored.  Surprisingly, though, I had no idea I had a food addiction. I guess you could say the denial ran deep.

photo credit: reallyboring

I remember the day it hit me. It was March 2009, and I had been eating healthy and losing weight in the last five months. My best friend was getting married, and I was the maid of honor. The wedding was a month away, and I had to have my dress taken in several times. I was excited!
But the excitement wouldn’t last long. My dad passed away unexpectedly in February, and the wound was still very fresh. Actually, I was in denial to the fact that he was gone.

I’m guest posting for Sarah Farish here and I’d love for you to jump over and read the rest of the post. I hope it helps you in some way. Please leave a comment and let me know.
Click here to read the post.

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