If you’ve never done a body cleanse, I highly recommend it. There are so many benefits to it. Cleansing is a form of detoxing your body. I recently did an extreme cleanse called The Standard Process. It lasted 21 days and I have no regrets about doing it. I’m planning to tell you the details of that later.
Though a regular cleanse is beneficial, you can use foods to help the process as well. There are many foods that will cleanse the bodies organs, such as the liver, kidneys, intestines, and skin.
Here are six of the top cleansing foods. I’m sure a few of these are already on your list of favorites.
Avocados – Some people just assume these are fattening and should be avoided. Not true. Avocados contain good fats that actually help to lower your cholesterol. These make great intestinal cleansers.
Kale – This has become my new favorite. I think I could eat it everyday. This dark, green leafy vegetable is high in fiber, which cleanses the intestinal tract. My recipe on baked kale soon to come.
Lemons – Known to detoxify the liver, as it contains glutathione, which is made by vitamin C. Add a lemon to water to start the cleansing process.
Blueberries – This lovely fruit helps to lower inflammation and lessen pain. Not only that, they help to prevent infections, such as urinary tract, by blocking bacteria.
Flaxseeds or Flaxseed Oil – A necessity for any cleansing process. Full of Omega-3s and more. I actually use it almost every day in my steel-cut oats. There’s no taste, and it adds great fiber.
Garlic – Get rid of parasites and viruses in both the intestines and blood. You may need to carry a breath mint around from now on, but it’s worth it.
For more information on other cleansing foods, check out this article.
What other types of health related facts would you like to learn about? I would love to know. Comment below…