I am on day three of a 21-day cleanse, provided by Standard Process. Yes, for the next 18 days my life will revolve around shakes, fruits, and vegetables.
I am actually very excited about the health benefits of doing this cleanse, even though it won’t be the easiest thing I’ve ever done. Perhaps I will share a blog post after all is said and done, with the incredible results I have experienced and hope to continue.
The Standard Process cleanse involves staying away from processed foods, tap water, caffeine, and more. Organic fruits and vegetables and preferred, but not required. Since I am avoiding many foods that are harmful to my body, I thought I would share with you some of the worst foods you can come in contact with.
Here is a list of the 5 of the worst foods:
1. Diet Soda – This contains the secret ingredient Aspartame, also known as AminoSweet. Many people think because it doesn’t contain sugar it’s not bad for you. That is far from true. Aspartame is an extremely harmful ingredient and has been linked to many diseases, including multiple sclerosis and cancer. No more diet coke!
2. Donuts – I used to make home made donuts. Yummy! I would fry biscuits in grease and then cover them with chocolate icing. The average donut contains about 300 calories. That could be why I weighed 330 lbs.
3.Hot Dogs – Watch this video. Need I say more? I couldn’t get the video to embed, but it’s worth the watch. Simply click the link.
4. Pizza – All piza may not be bad, but the frozen ones should certainly be avoided. The dough is made from bleached white flour.
5. Ice Cream – Everyone loves ice cream, I know. The artificial colors, fats, and other toxins make this soul soothing food dangerous to your health? It’s not the end of the world though. Consider frozen yogurt. I’m addicted to TCBY!
Here is a rule of thumb I have learned. If you can’t pronounce the ingredients, you probably shouldn’t eat it.
What are some other foods you think should be on this list?