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Finding Your Why

You lose your way when you lose your why.

Everything changes for us when we start asking ourselves the right questions.

Not “Why did I gain all the weight back that I lost?” 

Not “Why can’t I get my crap together when it comes to getting healthy?” 

I’m talking about empowering questions, like: 

Why do I want to do something different with my life? 

Why do I want to get healthy? 

Why do I want to fit into those old jeans? 

Why do I want to lose 50 lbs.? 

Why do I want to rebuild a relationship with my kids? 

Why do I want to pursue that dream job? 

Why do I want to be free from this food addiction? 

Why do I want to stop living in shame? 

Your children need YOU to find your why.

Your husband needs YOU to find your why.

Not married yet? That’s okay. Your future husband needs YOU to find your why.   

Your grandchildren need YOU to find your why.

Your friends need YOU to find your why. 

When you sign up for this free workbook, Sundi Jo will send you a FREE download to get you started asking the right questions.  

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