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Peer pressure is at an all time high these days. Though I don’t have a study to prove it, my common sense tells me so.

photo credit: tq2cute

photo credit: tq2cute

Turn the TV on and you’ll see sex everywhere. Skinny chicks are at the forefront of every commercial. If they’re not skinny, then it’s probably a commercial telling you how to lose weight.
The world strives for perfection. We’re supposed to do the same, right?

There is a new diet peering around every corner. “Drink this and lose that.” “Take this pill and you’re life will change forever.” “Eat bread and you may die.” (Okay, I might have slightly exaggerated on that last one, but you get the point.)
We’re missing the key ingredient to believing the truth: being in line with the One whom created us.
Before I write any further, let me say this: I’m writing this to myself first and foremost, because I need to be reminded just like you.
I may have lost 145 lbs., but my struggles are still very real and there are still moments I find myself in bondage. I’m working my way out of one of those times as we speak.
I’m guest posting over at River of Thoughts today.

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