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Take a moment before you read this post and clear your mind. Close your Facebook window. Minimize your email.
Think about something you love to do, or something you’ve never done that you would love to.

photo credit: puuikibeach (creative commons)

What’s keeping you from making those things happen? Is your weight part of the problem?  Let me tell that if your weight is keeping you from pursuing dreams and passions,

I understand how you feel. 

I understand because I once was there. The frustrations of the ups and downs of weight loss. The yo-yo diets. The shame behind a food addiction. Avoiding people because we’re not happy with who we are. Pretending to be funny and the star of the show so the real focus isn’t on what’s going on behind the laughter.

But there’s an escape – a way out of the torturous cycle. 
There is NO dieting secret. There is NO quick way to take off the pounds. If I could take the pain away from every overweight person in the world I would, but I can’t. What I can do however, is help you realize the pain doesn’t have to stay. Before I can help you though,


You have to be ready to work through the pain. Throw out food that doesn’t belong in your life. Work hard. Keep going when you feel like quitting. Making yourself get back up when you’ve made a mistake. Work hard. Work hard. Work hard. Getting healthy isn’t for wimps and I’m believing that if you’ve continued to read through this post, you’re ready to make the move.

At the end of every diet the path curves back to the trough.” – Mason Cooley

I couldn’t have said it better myself. In my opinion, and it’s just that, every diet will lead you back to where you started. And most of the time, when you get back there you’ll most likely have gained more weight. No wonder the depression rates are climbing. It’s hard to get out of the pit when we keep digging the pit deeper. Today you can stop digging. Look up and say “I’m ready!”
I made excuses. I quit. I gave up time and time again. Maybe you have too. Maybe you are ready to give up today.


Are you ready? If so, comment below and make your commitment today to start your new journey. 

For more information on how I lost 145 lbs. and how you can too, check out my ebook, Step Away from that Diet: Ten Steps to Losing Weight and Gaining the Confidence You’ve Been Searching For I’m giving it away FREE!

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