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We’re gonna get real and raw and down to the nitty gritty in today’s episode. In case you missed it, today’s episode is titled, “Relationship, Religion, & Weight Loss Redemption.” What in the world does religion have to do with weight loss? My answer to that? Everything.

We’re going to dive into some Scripture together where Jesus was talking to the Pharisees and calling out their hardened hearts and how that compares to our own hearts as we pursue a deeper relationship with Jesus and pursue freedom in our health journey.

Religion is full of rules. It’s systematic. It strives for perfection. It has a long list of do’s and don’ts. Relationship…. It’s personal. And it can also be messy.

Our relationship with those we love can be messy. Our relationship with a job we love can get messy. Our relationship with food can get messy.

Today we’re going to learn the difference and take more next right steps towards freedom in our health journey.

Listen here..

Links in this episode:

Diet Haters University

Diet Haters Facebook Community

4 Simple Steps to Weight Loss

Episode 5: How to Understand Your Value on Your Weight Loss Journey

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