So, you’re a new Christian. Perhaps you’ve been a believer for 5, 10, 15 years. You love the Lord with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength. You know without a doubt that God has changed you and you’re a completely different person than you used to be. Over the course of your life you have developed many bad habits. How do you get rid of them now?
By Developing New Ones
Here are four key steps to developing new habits and getting rid of old ones, inspired by Max Lucado.
- Prayer – When trials come endure them. Maintain a habit of prayer (See Romans 12:12). This doesn’t mean you have to close your eyes, bow your head, fold your hands and include “thous” and “thees” in your prayers. Simply talk to God. Tell him what’s on your heart. Talk to him about the habits. He knows about them already.
- Study – Get into God’s Word. Look up key words for the habit your trying to break. Read Scripture that speaks clearly to you. Find different translations. Write verses on note cards and carry them with you. Keep God’s Word close (See Jams 1:25).
- Giving – Lucado says, “You don’t give for God’s sake. You give for your sake.” Setting aside your tithe and putting into the offering every Sunday should become a habit engrained in your heart. Giving should bring a smile to your face. It brings a smile to God’s. He doesn’t need the money. He needs your heart and your habit (See Deut. 14:23).
- Fellowship – Support is important. Some are fine with weekly support. I prefer daily support, even if it’s through an email, as I am able to be encouraged, to encourage others, stay accountable, and surround myself with others who are Jesus with skin on to me. Fellowship is a need (See Heb. 10:25).
What new habits are you incorporating to break the old ones?