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Dear Dolly,

Isn’t it amazing how God is always putting the puzzle pieces of this life together, and often times it takes years before we even see how the pieces connect? Let me tell you a story.

I was eight years old, sitting around the kitchen table during a weekend visit to my dad’s house. I heard this unfamiliar voice come on the radio, and within seconds, my life was forever changed.

The song was “Silver and Gold.” From the moment I heard that song I couldn’t get enough. My mom bought the cassette tape (for you friends younger than 25, google that) of “Eagle When She Flies” and I eventually wore it out. Actually, I’m listening to the CD as I write this. It’s still my favorite album of all time.

You see, both that song and your voice meant more to me then you’ll probably ever know. I listened to that song and read the lyrics a gazillion times, yet really had no idea what it meant. I hadn’t learned about Jesus yet, but I knew something was different when I heard that song. I knew I would be safe from the hurts of the world surrounding me. 

By the time I was introduced to your music I had been sexually abused by multiple people. The smell of whiskey was a familiar scent in my life, as I had learned to mix my dad’s drinks by the time I was six. I longed for his acceptance, but often felt abandoned and convinced he loved alcohol more than me. My mom was working all the time to support us and had her own struggles. From a very early age, I felt completely alone in a big, scary world.

But there was something about your music. It helped me drown out the world. I was safe. If only for a moment. Safe from anyone hurting me. Safe from the pain of the world. Safe from the reality of fear that hovered over me. I grew up reading about you, watching you on television, and listening to your music. I would hear you talk about this God I didn’t know much about, and something inside me longed for that relationship you had with Him, even though I didn’t yet understand it.

Most of my life was spent running from something. Running from pain. I ran to food, alcohol, drugs, and relationships I didn’t belong in. Whatever would make the pain stop. Then, in 2006, I was introduced to Jesus. To the Jesus you had spent years singing about. The Jesus I sang about over and over again in “Silver and Gold.” I was introduced to the Savior you had been unknowingly teaching me about for years. My life hasn’t looked the same since.

In 2009, addiction took my father. I could no longer bury the sadness of my heart and I was at the end of myself. My life was unmanageable and I was spending every day just trying to survive. But God intervened, plucked me out of the world, and spent a year digging into the deepest parts of my brokeneness, healing the pain I’d spent so many years running from. For the first time in my life, I finally understood God’s love for me. That love you’d often talked about in your music. Grace. Mercy. Redemption. I finally understood it. 

Years later, I’m still seeking and living in His grace, mercy, and redemption. And all these years later, I’m still walking through life with your music.

And here’s where another piece of the puzzle comes together. I’m the founder of Esther’s House of Redemptiona discipleship program, offering hope to women struggling with addiction, depression, the aftermath of physical and sexual abuse, suicide, and more. Because God is a God of redemption, I get to use my past as a pathway to offer hope to other hurting women. And you can bet they’ll be introduced to your music.

You taught me about Jesus when I was a little girl, even though none of us knew it at the time. You sang a song which unknowingly drew me near to our Savior. Of all the songs in the world, that would be the first I heard from Dolly Parton? Coincidence? I think not. God has His hand in everything and I love that about Him.

I want to say “Thank you.” Thank you for never giving up on your dreams, despite all those who laughed and opposed you. Thank you for writing “Silver and Gold.” Thank you for talking about Jesus, even when I didn’t know who He was. Thank you for being a safe place to run to when I didn’t know where else I could turn. Thank you for being you.

Someday I look forward to the opportunity to shake your hand and give my heartfelt appreciation for the wisdom you have shared with me. For teaching me about perseverance. For teaching me about dreaming dreams that are bigger than we could ever imagine. Your willingness to never give up will continue to change the generations after you, as I get the honor of pouring hope into other women seeking redemption. 

I’ll be in Kansas City soon to see you in concert again. I’m hoping “Silver and Gold” makes the playlist. And someday, I hope to mark this item off my bucket list: Write a song with Dolly Parton. 

Thanks for being you.

Sundi Jo

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