You know it’s a good book when it’s 2 am and you are wide awake, living in the moment with FBI agent Dinah Harris, in the book Deadly Disclosures, written by one of my new favorite authors, Julie Cave.
Deadly Disclosures, from New Leaf Publishing Group, is the first of a trilogy from this incredible author. The second book, The Shadowed Mind, is next on my to do list.
Dinah Harris, the depressed, alcoholic character in the book, will take you on a journey that includes excitement, suspense, sadness, and more excitement. Really, there should be a warning label on the back that says, “Warning: Insomnia will occur.” Her sarcasm and sharp wit will have you wanting to slap her one minute and hug her the next.
When Thomas Whitfield, the secretary of the Smithsonian, disappears into the thin air, it’s up to Dinah and her partner, David Ferguson to find out what’s happened. However, Dinah’s past soon catches up with her. Her life is on the line, and she can’t decide if it’s even worth living. Find out whether she chooses life, or the vodka-filled pit she has been stuck in.
Stay tuned for part three of this amazing trilogy, Pieces of Light, coming this summer.
For Deadly Disclosures click here.
For The Shadowed Mind click here.
What other great books do you recommend?