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Custom Songs

Get your very own radio-quality song to written just for you!

Original Music. Original Lyrics. Your Story.

Sundi Jo writes and records original custom songs for individuals, other artists, businesses, associations, and more. She writes in various genres, including Christian, Southern Gospel, Country, and Americana.

Sundi Jo will record the song in the studio with professional musicians to provide a radio-quality CD/MP3 for your unlimited use in perpetuity. She may provide audio or have another professional singer record it depending on the song style.

You may use the song internally, share it on social media, or Sundi Jo can even create a music video that could go viral for your company. 

The Impact

With the power of music, lyrics, and emotion mixed together, you can have your very own radio-quality song to share with the world on CD or MP3…written by Sundi Jo.

Giving a custom song to someone you love is a once-in-a-lifetime gift that literally moves people to tears. And if you have a mission-driven business, having your own song will take your marketing and branding to a whole new level!

Having your own song created by Sundi Jo could be one of the most touching, inspiring, and memorable experiences of your or your loved ones’ life that you can cherish forever!

Song Samples

Sundi Jo writes and records original custom songs for individuals, other artists, businesses, associations, and more. She writes in various genres, including Christian, Southern Gospel, Country, and Americana.

The Experience/The Investment

Hear song clips, view pricing, and discover the creative process from concept to final studio production. 



Booking Info

If you would like to have Sundi Jo speak at your next event or perform a Keynote Concert,  call or send an email to:


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