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Living Truth Weekly Recap – Guarding Your Child's Heart with Dr. Gary Smalley

Living Truth Weekly Recap – Guarding Your Child's Heart with Dr. Gary Smalley

Didn’t catch Wednesday’s episode of Living Truth? No problem.
We had Dr. Gary Smalley, relationship expert and author on the show with us. His life has been devoted to helping others in their relationships, just as Christ changed his marriage. He’s a man full of Scripture with a heart like a child.
Gary discussed with us the four key beliefs from Scripture that will change your life:

Loving God
Loving/Serving Others
All Trials Are Good

He discussed the impact our thoughts have on our minds and body and what each person can do to change those thoughts.
Tune into the archive here for a more in-depth look at the 4 key beliefs and a great testimony from Gary.
We’re giving away a copy of his latest book, Guarding Your Child’s Heart on our Facebook page. Join the discussion here for your chance to win!
You can find Gary at:
Tune into to next week’s show on Wednesday at 2p CST, as we host our last and final Living Truth show.
See you on the radio!

Living Truth Weekly Recap – Life, Love, Loss, Restoration

Living Truth Weekly Recap – Life, Love, Loss, Restoration

Didn’t catch Wednesday’s episode of Living Truth? No problem. You missed an amazing, life-changing story.
We had Cindy Curry on the show with us. Caring for husband after a disabling car accident, caring for her young children, eventually saying goodbye to her husband after a short battle with leukemia, Cindy shared an incredible story with us.
When she met her second husband Mike, after he buried his wife due to cancer, God had big plans for them. However, with a blended family came stormy waters. Cindy shared the surprises and struggles of trying to bring two families together.
“It’s not at all like you see in the movies,” Cindy said. “Not everyone is happy about it.”
Something powerful Cindy said on the show was “all step-families are born out of loss”. Wow!
Tune into the archive here to find out if the Curry family have a happy ending.
You can contact Cindy at curriedlamb@yahoo.com.
For more information on the website Cindy referred to in the show, visit successfulstepfamilies.com
Tune into to next week’s show on Wednesday at 2p CST, as we talk with Gary Smalley, family counselor, president and founder of the Smalley Relationship Center and author of many books, including his latest, Guarding Your Child’s Heart. Tune in for details on how to win a copy of the book.
See you on the radio!

Living Truth Weekly Recap – A Weight Loss Journey With Amy Goodlett

Living Truth Weekly Recap – A Weight Loss Journey With Amy Goodlett

Didn’t catch Wednesday’s episode of Living Truth? No problem. You missed an amazing, life-changing story.
We had Amy Goodlett on the show with us. She shared an amazing story of transformation, including a 150 lb. weight loss. Once weighing 400 lbs., using a motorized cart to get around the grocery store, Amy finally got to the point where she said, “No more!”
Amy’s food addiction was traced back to the root cause of many things, including not feeling enough for her mother. She was diagnosed with diabetes at the age of 32. Even surgery didn’t work for her. Tune into the archive for more of her story on that.
Learn what finally motivated Amy to lose the weight and keep it off! She also shared on the show the greatest benefits of her weight loss, what her average day looks like, and the six rules she follows every day to keep her on the right track.
Tune into the archive here.
You can find Amy at:
email: amy.goodlett@yahoo.com
Tune into to next week’s show on Wednesday at 2p CST, as we talk with Cindy Curry about blended families and more. She’s a woman who’s been there and done that.
See you on the radio!

Living Truth Weekly Recap With Scott Williams – Win A Copy Of Church Diversity

Living Truth Weekly Recap With Scott Williams – Win A Copy Of Church Diversity

Didn’t catch Wednesday’s episode of Living Truth? No problem. Read through and learn how you can win a copy of the book.
We had former pastor and new author Scott Williams on the show. The best way to describe the show? A reality check on just how far we haven’t grown in the church.  It’s time for a movement.
Scott shared on his inspiration behind the book, how God took him from a prison warden at the age of 25 to the pastor of LifeChurch.tv. 
The book, Church Diversity: Sunday, The Most Segregated Day of the Week, which has only been out for over a week already has 26 five-star reviews on Amazon.
“Church Diversity is more than a book — it’s a movement of God, pastors, ministry leaders, volunteers, congregants, and the community at large,” said Scott.
Scott shared with us the difference between simply tolerating diversity and what it means to truly embrace it. For your chance to win a copy of the book, listen to the archive and post on our Facebook Page your favorite quote from Scott or something powerful that stuck out to you from his interview. We will pick the winner on Monday, May 2.
Tune into the archive here.
You can find Scott at:
See you on the radio!

Living Truth Weekly Recap: Tom Treat and The Adventures of Shrimely

Living Truth Weekly Recap: Tom Treat and The Adventures of Shrimely

Didn’t catch Wednesday’s episode of Living Truth? It’s not too late.
We had Children’s author Thomas Treat on the show discussing his powerful testimony and the story behind his new book, The Adventures of Shrimely. 
Tom shared his beauty to ashes story, coming from an abusive childhood centered around drugs and alcohol to becoming a godly husband and father. He didn’t allow the darkness of his childhood to keep him held as a victim. Instead he chose to be a victor.
Tom discussed the importance of mentoring and relationships with others. He mentors many men involved in pornography. For more information visit settingcaptivesfree.com.
His new book, The Adventures of Shrimely, was created from stories in Tom’s own family. To hear the story behind the book tune into the show. 
To hear the rest of Tom’s story tune into the archive here.
You can find Tom on:
Next week we have Scott Williams, former pastor and author of Church Diversity: Sunday, The Most Segregated Day of the Week. You don’t want to miss Scott’s thought on this controversial topic. Also, tune in for details on how to win your own copy of the book.
See you on the radio!

Living Truth Weekly Recap – Breaking All The Rurals With Shannon O' Dell

Living Truth Weekly Recap – Breaking All The Rurals With Shannon O' Dell

Didn’t catch Wednesday’s episode of Living Truth? You missed a powerful, thought-provoking message.
We had Pastor and Author Shannon O’Dell on the show with us. One word: A-M-A-Z-I-N-G!
Shannon shared his story of going from a big city pastor to leading a church in a town of 408. He followed the call of God and went in obedience, even though there wasn’t a Starbucks. He is now the lead pastor at Brand New Church in Bergman, AR.
Shannon has recently released the book Transforming Church in Rural America. His goal is to share a powerful vision of relevance, possibility, and excellence for small churches, or for any ministry that is stuck in a rural state of mind.
Some great insights form Shannon on the show:
“Before you can experience a revolution, you have to have a revelation.”
“Our leadership in God’s house is only as effective as it is in our own house.”
“Your net worth is found in your network.”
To hear the rest of Shannon’s story, three important habits of a Godly leader, and more, tune into the archive here.
You can find Shannon on:
Next week we have Tom Treat on the show, discussing his life-changing testimony and how God is using his story to write children’s books.
See you on the radio!

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