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Women's Ministry Ideas

In 2010 some ladies got together at Woodland Hills Family Church in Branson and decided that we needed something more for the women in the church, and outside of the church. They decided we needed a monthly event for women to gather for fellowship, fun, and real stores.
Coffee Conversations was soon born.
Every month gets better and better.
Here’s the layout:

  • We start at 6p
  • For 30 minutes the women visit and of course, eat. The theme of the food changes monthly.
  • Then the worship team leads in about 3-4 songs.
  • Sometimes there is a skit, depending on the theme of the evening.
  • There is always a speaker, whether from within the church, or outside of the church. Each woman provides a different message.
  • We then break into groups with different group leaders who are provided with a list of questions related to the evening’s topic.
  • For 30 minutes we discuss real-life issues, how God works in our lives, provide hope to other hurting women, etc.
  • The evening ends with smiling faces and hugs.

Enjoy the video of the most recent Coffee Conversations event if you’re looking for ideas to vamp up your women’s ministry.

Stop Having So Much Faith In Yourself

Stop Having So Much Faith In Yourself

I was recently reading an excerpt from Jillian Michael’s new book, Unlimited – How To Build An Exceptional Life.
I am a big Jillian fan, as I have watched her help many struggling people throughout her time on The Biggest Loser. She hasn’t just helped them burn the fat away; she gets to the root of things. Love that!
She makes a great point in the introduction by saying “When you live in fear of your own desires and ambitions, you lose sight of your true calling and your true self.” Agreed.
Then she says, “All you need to begin is courage, conviction, and faith.” Again, agreed. Faith in what though? “Both in yourself and in me as your guide.” Insert STOP sign here. We do have to faith in those leading us, yes, but that’s not where our faith should ultimately be. Our faith should be in God, who, according to Ephesians 3:20 is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us.

Jillian makes some great points in the book. The downside, however, is that like most self-help books, God is left out of the center. It’s not about self-help, it’s about God-help.

Chapter One ends like this:

Listen  to  me  very  carefully:  it’s  time  to  start  living  your  life  the way God, or (insert whatever greater power you believe in here), intended—HAPPILY.

Say what? No, no, no, no. It can’t be one or the other. There isn’t more than one choice. It’s God or nothing… Simple as that.

I’m not writing this to bash Jillian, or her book. In fact, I am still very interested in reading it. It sounds like there are many things in the book she has right, but not the most important part.

For more information on Unlimited, you can visit Amazon to pre-order. The book will be released in stores on April 5.

Don't Throw Away The Good Ones

Don't Throw Away The Good Ones

Meet my friend Jennifer. She doesn’t know a stranger. I met her almost three years ago after I signed up to be on the prayer team at church. I haven’t been able to get rid of her since, and trust me I’ve tried. I count it as a blessing, by the way, that I haven’t been able to get rid of her.
I have never known anyone quite like Jennifer. Jesus’ grace, mercy and understanding shine through her. She is a 1 Corinthians woman to the core.
She has seen me at my best, and has definitely seen me at my worst. At my worst, she didn’t leave. She stayed by my side, held my hand, and offered me help, with a side of truth and grace. I hated and loved her for it at the same time. She too held my hand, as my friend Jammie did, the day she drove me to the Table Rock Freedom Center.
As I have been going through some struggles lately, she remains a prayer warrior for me. Hiding things from her is virtually impossible, as the moment I make eye contact she is well aware that I am struggling with something. She’s a “no bullcrap” kinda gal. Gotta love friends like that. Trying to stay mad at her is pretty impossible too.
God has used Jennifer in mighty ways to change my heart. She has shown me how to be a woman. She has taught me how to be comfortable with myself. She has taught me how to be confident in who God created me to be. The list could go on and on.
There is action in her love. She doesn’t just talk the talk. She walks the walk. Her smile comforts me and her hugs energize me. I love Jesus in her.
Tell me about the Jennifer in your life.

Starbucks And A Hug

Starbucks And A Hug

For fourteen years I have called Jammie my friend. We have been through so much over that time frame that it’s only God that has kept us in this friendship. I thank Him everyday for her.
I met her in highschool and we’ve been stuck together like glue since then. We have fought. We have cried. We have laughed. We have prayed. Jammie’s love is backed up by action.
I was having an emotional morning recently and the tears were flowing. For anyone that knows me well, I don’t just shed a few tears. I have crocodile tears and my eyes swell up like Rocky Balboa after a boxing match. I can’t ever hide the fact that I’ve been crying. As I cried on the phone, she just let me get the tears out, then I felt better. I felt her love, but she didn’t stop there.
She showed up at the door with one of these:
A sugar-free hazelnut decaf from Starbucks and a hug. It was just what the doctor ordered.
Jammie was by my side the day I learned of my dad’s death. She was holding my hand when I sat with the funeral director and made plans. The day my grandpa died, she was next to me as all I could do was lie in silence and stare at the ceiling. She stared with me. The day I went to the Table Rock Freedom Center she held my hand again. I stood next to her as she married the love of her life. It was an honor.
I know her love because of her actions. I only hope I can be half the friend that she’s been to me. 1 Corinthians 13 looks beautiful on her.
Do you have a Jammie in your life?

The ACTION of Love

The ACTION of Love

February is the month of love. Of course, we all know that. I want to devote this week of blogs to some wonderful friends in my life who truly show me what love means. They back their words up with action. That’s what I love about LOVE – seeing the action behind it.
Tuesday-Thursday I’ll have posts about some amazing peeps in my life. Some great friends who live 1 Corinthians 13:4-8 out loud.
Stay tuned…
What does love mean to you?

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