by | Life Application, Living Truth Radio Show
On yesterday’s episode of Living Truth we had Christian Fiction Author Julie Cave with us. You’ll learn more about the show in tomorrow’s blog. Today I want to focus on your chance to WIN.
We have posted a discussion on our Facebook page we would love you to join. We asked the question:
Do you think what you believe about evolution and creation is important in your relationship with God?
It’s simple. Visit our Facebook page. If you haven’t already become a fan, we hope you will. Answer the question and there you have it! You’re entered for a chance to win a copy of Julie’s first book Deadly Disclosures.
Click here for my review of the book.
To visit the discussion and post your comments, click here.
Contest runs through Sunday, April 10, 2011.
by | Life Application
Haroon Das was a man with a brutal past. His hate for Christians was not hidden. He was a leader Orissa, India, where he and many others gathered to destroy Christians. Does this sound like someone else we know?
In 2008, after destroying a church that housed a Gospel For Asia missionary, Haroon became paralyzed. His health worsened
and he was at a loss, until someone told him about the power of prayer. He struggled to believe that was possible and struggled even more that the very people he persecuted would be willing to pray for him. But on a Tuesday night at a prayer meeting Haroon’s life was changed forever.
Was he forgiven? Was he healed? Read the rest of the story here….
by | Life Application
I viewed this video thank to Michael Hyatt’s blog on Saturday and I decided to steal it.
This is a video by Corning Glass.
This is the future:
Does this excite you or scare you?
by | Life Application
this is a guest post by brian williamson of testimony and tunes.
It was one of my proudest moments as a father. I was playing Barbie’s with my youngest daughter when she asked me if I liked one of her dolls.
I said, “She’s really pretty.” She responded, “All girls are beautiful, Daddy!”
When I told her I was happy she said that, she replied, “God is proud of me.”
I pray to God that my daughters always have that attitude. In the book, Strong Fathers, Strong Daughters they mention that girls who have strong relationships with their fathers have greatly reduced chances of having low self-esteem, being in abusive relationships and developing eating disorders.
Our society has done girls an incredible disservice. They airbrush photos, put makeup osn kids on television and create such unattainable images that it’s not surprising that stress levels in children are at an all-time high, especially girls.
As parents, we talk about wanting to lose weight, get implants or facelifts. As men, we watch pornography, look with lust at cheerleaders and treat women as objects.
Our church recently hosted an event called “The Hollow Project” which featured the work of Jen Morrow’s book Hollow: An Unpolished Tale.Morrow talks of her struggles with self-esteem and body image issues. The event also included the music of the band Daniels’ Window.
We need to reclaim our values and stand BOLDLY in defiance to the deception that ruins the self-images of our daughters. In doing so, we’ll be fighting for our children. That most likely will also involve looking in the mirror and getting help in dealing with our own issues.
Brian Williamson is a Christ-follower, husband, business guy and freelance writer. His focus is helping people find their way back to God through Testimony and Tunes, where everyday people share lessons learned through faith, and artists can share tunes that reflect their faith.
by | Faith Lived Out, Life Application
The answer is simple: ABSOLUTELY!
King Solomon, the wisest man who ever lived, knew very well about the power of accountability.
Two people are better off than one, for they can help each other succeed. If one person falls, the other can reach out and help. But someone who falls alone is in real trouble. Likewise, two people lying close together can keep each other warm. But how can one be warm alone A person standing alone can be attacked and defeated, but two can stand back-to-back and conquer. Three are even better, for a triple-braided cord is not easily broken. – Ecclesiastes 4:9-12
I never understood until recent years how important accountability was. First of all, I didn’t want to admit I needed help. I could handle things just fine on my own. Welcome pride. I was 330 lbs. of mess, but I was handling things just fine.
Secondly, I didn’t want people to know my secrets. The moment I became accountable to someone they would know the real me, and that just couldn’t happen. Welcome shame.
And thirdly, I couldn’t let people get inside my heart to know the real me. What if they knew too much? What if they would leave? What if they would stop loving me? Welcome fear.
Can I just say I, without a doubt, I HATE fear, shame, and pride? They are not of God!
Lysa TerKeurst tells us in Made To Crave, there are three important reasons for having accountability.
- There is help to recover from failure.
- There is comfort and companionship in adverse conditions.
- There is help in defending against attacks. (Remember, “two can stand back-to-back and conquer.”)
I don’t know about you, but I know without a doubt that I must have accountability in my life. The moment I start to think I don’t, I quickly face the
reality that Satan is trying to fill my head with lies. Recently my eating was getting out of control and I was not happy with where I was heading. Food addiction has always been one of my biggest struggles, and the last place I want to be, or ever get close to again, is the 330 lb. sad soul that I once was. One of the ways I keep myself on track, is first and foremost, going to God with my problem. Then I make sure safe people in my life know of my struggles.
This last week in the midst of my struggle, I cried with a friend. I asked for prayer from three close friends I know without a doubt I can trust. Then, I started making a food log and sending it to them. They didn’t ask me to – I just did. Whether they read it or not isn’t as important to me as someone else simply knowing what’s happening. If I have someone to be accountable to, I am going to make wiser choices. And if those choices aren’t so wise I can trust those friends to call me out on it with love.
Be accountable. I promise it’s worth it. Swallow your pride. Toss the shame aside. Get rid of the fear. Be accountable.
Do you have someone in your life you can trust and be accountable to?
by | Faith Lived Out, Life Application
Have you met my friend Jennifer yet? If not, you’re missing out. I’ve written about her a few times. She’s got a list of talents hidden under her Texas-sized hair. Friend. Mentor. Sister. Writer. Blogger. Social Media Guru. And now she’s adding speaker to that list.
She recently spoke some great truth to the women at Coffee Conversations, a monthly women’s ministry held at Woodland Hills Family Church in Branson, Missouri.
Do you ever feel like you are not enough? Well, guess what? You’re not. The good news, however, is that is OKAY!
Sit back for the next 15 minutes and enjoy this truth from Jennifer. You’ll be glad you did.
How do you feel knowing we are not enough?