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Shhhh.. No Quarreling

Shhhh.. No Quarreling

Don’t have anything to do with foolish and stupid arguments, because you know they produce quarrels. These are the words from 2 Timothy 2:23.
This verse is hard to live by and I am sure others would agree. First, I like to be right. It’s my pride and my flesh likes my pride, but the Holy Spirit living in me hates it. But as I grow in my faith daily I realize just how much I must live this verse out loud, especially as I take leadership roles.
Being a leader isn’t always easy. People are watching you. They watch how you talk. They watch how you tip the waitress. They watch your body language. Most importantly, they are watching your walk with Jesus.
So as I continue to step up in the role of leadership I am learning that my decisions won’t make everyone happy. The words I say won’t be pleasing to everyone. That’s hard for me. I want everyone to be happy and just get along. But I can’t do that. I have to speak the truth. However, after I speak the truth and others don’t agree with that, my role as a leader is to decide whether the next words that come out of my mouth will be foolish and produce a quarrel.
Instead of quarreling I must be kind to everyone, able to teach, not resentful. (2 Timothy 2:24)
Those who oppose him he must gently instruct, in the hope that God will grant them repentance leading them to a knowledge of the truth, and that they will come to their senses and escape from the trap of the devil, who has taken them captive to do his will. 2 Timothy 2:26-27.
So, as leaders we are called to:

  • avoid stupid and foolish arguments
  • be kind to EVERYONE
  • be able to teach
  • not resentful
  • gently instruct those who oppose God
  • lead them to the truth
  • PRAY
What challenges do you face regarding these verses?
Keep Moving Forward

Keep Moving Forward

I recently heard this quote from a friend: “Successful people don’t wait for everything to be perfect to move forward.”
Very interesting indeed. How many of us are striving for success, whatever that looks like to you, only to stop ourselves because things aren’t working out perfectly? Put me on the “guilty” list.
I am constantly striving to face my fear of success. I have struggled with the fear that if I become successful people’s expectations of me would be too high. Therefore, I would constantly find myself sabotaging little things to make sure the “big” thing didn’t happen. (Insert slap to the forehead here) I also struggle with trying to be perfect to fit the needs of others. Honestly, it can wear a person out.
Here’s the reality: I am not perfect. I will never be perfect. If I keep waiting for the perfection, I will find myself twenty years down the road still going in the same circle like a dog chasing my tail. Keep moving forward. Keep moving forward. I am learning that success doesn’t necessarily depend on the outcome. Success depends on what you do in the process of reaching the outcome. How you treat others. How you treat yourself. Whether you put God first or your own desires. What values you keep in the process.
Thanking Jesus we don’t have to be perfect.
What is your definition of success?

Three Steps To Excellence From John Maxwell

Three Steps To Excellence From John Maxwell

What are you searching for in your life? A better relationship? A better career?
I was skimming through the May edition of Enjoying Everyday Life,  the monthly magazine by Joyce Meyer Ministries, and I ran across this article from John Maxwell.
Maxwell says we just need a little know-how to get on the path to excellence.

  1. Find Your Passion
    People of excellence love what it is they are doing. The keep moving. Find that passion and keep it. If you’re struggling to find your passion, do an inventory of what you enjoy. What energizes you and makes you feel alive? Take inventory of the things that drain you. Maxwell says, “Exchanging one de-energizing task for another that brings you energy is victory.”
  2. Never Cease Practicing
    Passion will never stay intact without practice. You have to perform the skills to perfect the skills. Then make sure you teach someone else that skill.
  3. Honor Your Values
    John says, “Passion and practice bring excellence, but character sustains excellence over time.” If you don’t have character, your talents will be wasted.
We aren’t born with excellence. However, determine what your passion is. Put that passion into practice. Honor your values and excellence will be yours.
Are you keeping these know-hows in check?
Praying For Alicia

Praying For Alicia

I met a new friend the other day. Her name was Alicia. Her only possessions were a backpack, the clothes on her back, a pair of worn out shoes, her beloved dog Cadillac Jack, and a broken heart.
Alicia is homeless, but I was able to see a faint glimpse of hope in her tear-filled eyes.
From the little amount of time I spent with her, brokenness was unavoidably recognizable. But she was seeking a second chance.
I stood counting my blessings after my encounter with Alicia. Blessed that I have a warm place to sleep every night. Blessed that I do not go hungry. Blessed that friends and family love me. Blessed by how much God has provided my needs. Blessed for the shoes on my feet. Blessed for clothes I stare at in my closet while writing this. Blessed for the electricity that provides the power to write this blog post. Blessed with the laptop that allows me to write. Blessed by the pillow that will hold my head while I sleep tonight. Blessed that I know where I will be sleeping everyday. Blessed by the amount of books setting on my nightstand. Blessed by the pictures of friends and family. You get the picture. I’m pretty danged blessed!
Will you pray with me for Alicia? Pray that she realizes and believes Ephesians 3:16-20. Pray that she realizes how long and wide and deep and high Christ’s love for her is. Pray for new beginnings. Pray for her to accept and receive the love God wants to give her.
Jesus said in Matthew 18:20, “For where two or three come together in my name, there am I with them.”
Thank you for standing in prayer with me for my friend Alicia.
Are you counting your blessings today?

Simple Validation

I wrote a post last week on the difference between listening vs. hearing. Sometimes we need the validation that someone hears us. Someone sees us. Someone knows us.
I ran across this video and wanted to share it. It’s more like a mini movie, but so worth the watch.
Do you validate?

Listening vs Hearing

Listening vs Hearing

I recently came to the conclusion that there is a difference between these two words.
I have been so guilty of listening to the words of another, then returning no validation to what they just spoke from their heart. My mind has been on other things and I didn’t really hear what they were saying. It hurts.
I have been on the giving end, and more recently on the receiving end of being listened to, but not heard.
I have been back and forth to many doctors over the last two years. I have walked in with confidence and walked out later with shattered hope. They listened, but they didn’t hear.
Last week I met with another new doctor. I walked into her office routinely ready for her to listen, tell me her opinion, then send me on my way. This time it was different. I spoke. She listened. I waited. She heard. I cried. She heard my pain. She heard my plea. Oh what a difference it makes!
It has opened my eyes to wanting to be more aware to those around me and how I react when they pour their heart out to me. I don’t want to listen. I want to hear. I don’t just want to hear their words. I want to hear what’s in their heart.
I encourage you to ask yourself today whether you listen or whether you hear.
Has someone heard you lately?

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