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One Unforgettable Christmas Gift Part Two

One Unforgettable Christmas Gift Part Two

Today I finish up discussing the unexpected Christmas gift I received. Before you start reading today, I recommend reading yesterday’s post to get caught up.
Did He need my gift of obedience? No. But I know that He was smiling because of it, and I knew it was the best gift I could give on Christmas.
The band was playing Christmas songs of course, and they began singing O Holy Night. I had never payed that much attention to the words, but that Christmas morning brought that song to life for me. As we got to the third verse, the words penetrated my heart and the tears came.

Truly He taught us to love one another, 
His law is love and His gospel is peace. 
Chains he shall break, for the slave is our brother. 
And in his name all oppression shall cease. 
Sweet hymns of joy in grateful chorus raise we, 
With all our hearts we praise His holy name. 
Christ is the Lord! Then ever, ever praise we, 
His power and glory ever more proclaim! 
His power and glory ever more proclaim!

He had broken my chains of abuse. He had broken my chain of bitterness toward the man whom had hurt me. Oppression was gone, replaced by the sweet hymn of joy. I was praising His name and so grateful that I had chosen the walk of obedience. I knew everything was going to be ok. I would make it through this church service, never having to see him, rejoicing in the fact that I had passed the test.

One Unforgettable Christmas Gift

One Unforgettable Christmas Gift

Something huge happened in my life on Christmas Day. I shared with some of my closest family and friends, but wasn’t sure whether I wanted to blog about it or not. Yesterday, I decided it was the thing to do. This post was written on December 27, 2011. 

Every Christmas I receive gifts from family and friends. I love to give gifts as well. This year I made the trip back to my hometown to spend time with my family. I expected it to be just like every other year – dinner, the gift exchange, then games and poker with a mixture of laughter. That all happened of course, but so did something else. Something that I am processing as I write this out. It was an amazing gift given to me, but even better than that, there was a gift I was able to give.

For those of you who don’t know, I was sexually molested as a child. Over the last few years I have processed through the struggles of my childhood and pushed through the pain of dealing with the memories. Most importantly, though, I have forgiven those who have hurt me. I don’t know if it happens with everyone, but I’m guessing there comes a time when God puts us to the test to see whether we really do what we say we will. My forgiveness was put to the test this holiday visit.

Seven Questions to Ask Yourself When Pursuing Your Dreams and Desires

Seven Questions to Ask Yourself When Pursuing Your Dreams and Desires

I’ve had goals and plans on my mind for the last few weeks. Now I’m at the point of trying to figure out the difference between the two, or if they’re both the same thing disguised at something different. Jeff Goins has me thinking more about this.

photo credit: wingedwolf (creative commons)

Last week I blogged about excuses we make for not following our dreams or pursuing our goals. We make excuses because we’re really too afraid to pursue what we want. There are too many risks. We’re not good enough. Blah. Blah. Blah.
Name one thing you are considering doing. Are you planning to go back to school? Do you want to start that new business you’ve always dreamed of? What about moving to that new city away from your friends and family?
I’ve been reading The 4-Hour Workweek by Timothy Ferris and in the book are some great questions to get you going on pursuing that something you’ve always wanted to do. Filling out these questions will help you to eliminate all the excuses you’ve got up your sleeve.

Five Excuses That Keep Us From Success

Five Excuses That Keep Us From Success


photo credit: sidsavar.com

Think of something right now that you have dreamed of doing all of your life? How many years have you been thinking about it?
You want to make things happen but yesterday is gone and today is about to come to an end. Still nothing. Maybe some defeat. 
Then you begin to justify why you didn’t meet that deadline, or why the book you’ve been wanting to write for the last ten years still isn’t completed. The house you wanted to build is still on paper. The degree you wanted to earn is nothing but a distant thought. You still haven’t started your own business. You haven’t asked your boss for a raise. You haven’t asked your girlfriend to marry you. The list goes on…
Because you’re still filling yourself with excuses of why things aren’t being done. 

Why You Need To Stop Making Resolutions

Why You Need To Stop Making Resolutions


photo credit: professor bop (creative commons)

Yes, it’s a new year. It’s time to start over. Last year is gone and so we can all wave goodbye the resolutions we made last year and never stuck with. Let me give you some advice:
Stop making them!
They don’t work. 
You shouldn’t have to live with the weight of trying to “lose this” or “do that.” It’s too much pressure and you’re setting yourself up for failure.
Though I am not making a resolution for 2012 I do have visions I plan to turn into goals. Let’s all make decisions this year to do something instead of just talking about it.
I had some great successes, failures, excitement, and downfalls in 2011 I wanted to share with you.

My 2011 in Review

Some things I accomplished this year:

  • I revamped my blog with five posts per week, offering real life examples of everyday life. My unique monthly visitors have went through the roof. Very exciting!
  • My first manuscript got turned down and I’m excited about it. Why? Because it means something bigger is out there and I haven’t found it yet.
  • I shared my testimony at various events, and offered hope to others.
  • I co-hosted a successful 6-month radio show.
  • I started my own social media marketing company, sort of by accident.

Some fun and not so fun things happened in my personal life too:

  • I survived a year of college. (Wiping the brow)
  • Restored a relationship with my step-mom after 14 years.
  • I was hit by some unexpected health issues that have slowed down my progress, but not my determination to keep going.
  • I have met some great people online that have turned into long lasting friendships.
  • I traveled to Atlanta for an inspiring, life-changing conference.
  • I ran another 5K
  • I used the word “no” without guilt, allowing other opportunities for better things.
  • I moved out of role at church that I was passionate about in order to follow God’s prompting to grow in other areas.

In 2012 I want to be more intentional about what I do, the way I think and the people I meet.

What to Expect This Year

  • I’ll be releasing my first eBook soon on losing weight the right way. I’m super stoked about it.
  • I’ll be writing more eBooks throughout the year on various topics.
  • Submitting my book proposal to more agents and publishers.
  • Booking more speaking opportunities.
  • I expect to fail on things, learn from my mistakes, pick up the pieces, and move on.
  • I want to put together a new book proposal for another idea rolling around in my head.
  • I will be teaching some social media seminars throughout the year. (If you have ideas on what you’d like to learn about, let me know.)
  • I’m going to make it through another year of school and as soon as I’m done with this last algebra class, I will be having a book burning party. All are invited!
  • I’m plan to read 25 books on various topics, including leadership, writing and prayer.
  • To run again

That’s just a few of the things my 2012 will hold.
What about you? How was your 2011? What do you plan to do with your new year? Comment below..
P.S. I’m giving away a copy of EntreLeadership: 20 Years of Practical Business Wisdom from the Trenches.  I need your help answering a few simple questions on how to make my blog better in the new year. Will you take a few moments and answer some questions for me?  

One Word: Radical

One Word: Radical


Last year I decided to take the #oneword2011 challenge and pick that one word that I would focus on for the next 12 months. My word was truth. It worked so well and kept me focused on my goals that I decided to try it again.
The name has changed to One Word 365, but the principle is still the same.

One word that sums up who you want to be or how you want to live or what you want to achieve by the end of 2012.

This year I choose the word RADICAL
If you’ve been following my blog this past year then you know I’ve been making some radical changes. I don’t plan to stop anytime soon.

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