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How to Respond to Failure

How to Respond to Failure

We’ve all failed at something in our lives. Some failures we remember as the “Big Ones.” Others are a distant memory.
When I was in middle school we were headed to a band competition. I had practiced this particular composition what seemed like a million times. I played the flute day and night preparing for what I knew to be something important. My band teacher was impressed and she knew I was ready.

photo credit: rachael furn (creative commons)

The morning of the competition a friend sat down on my flute and bent it. I sobbed, kicked a few things, calmed down and reassured my friend it was okay. I would figure something out. I got to school and another student offered to let me borrow hers. Then I realized I had forgotten my sheet music with my highlights and notes. There was no time to go back home and get them before the bus left. I was devastated.

Sealed By the Kiss of Lies

Sealed By the Kiss of Lies

I usually don’t write about celebrity breakups – it’s not really my thing. But as I was reading this article, a fire lit up in me and I felt the need to write about it.
Let me say this first. I don’t know Seal or Heidi Klum. I know he was “Kissed by a rose” and she hosts a successful television show. I’ve never had a glimpse into their personal lives.

photo credit: fatty tuna (creative commons)

Secondly, that’s not important right now. In a statement in a recent article on people, this is what Seal had to say:

Four Reasons I Won't Follow You on Twitter

Four Reasons I Won't Follow You on Twitter

photo credit: twitter support

Several months ago I narrowed down the number of people I followed on Twitter significantly. I unfollowed people who hadn’t had activity in the previous few weeks, the last several months, or people who I didn’t feel were providing good enough content for me to follow. I did a slighter version of what Michael Hyatt calls “Twitter Bankruptcy.” 
That even included some friends that thought they would enjoy Twitter when they first started, but hadn’t logged in again since. Since we’re still on speaking terms I’ll assume they weren’t offended. (Or perhaps I just let the cat out of the bag)

Excuses Are a Dime a Dozen

Excuses Are a Dime a Dozen

photo credit: kenjonbro

I used to be the queen of making excuses.
I can’t lose weight because it’s too hard. 
I can’t work there because I won’t get along with the people. 
I shouldn’t have to apologize because she started it. 
You should feel sorry for me because I was abused as a kid. 
I didn’t like taking responsibility for my actions. Why would I want to? I’d have to take a look in the mirror and realize what a mess I really was. There was a time in my life that people couldn’t rely on me. They couldn’t trust I would be there when I said I would. Because I made poor decisions in certain areas of my life it was hard to build trust in other areas.

The Awkwardness of the Eye Gaze

The Awkwardness of the Eye Gaze

photo credit: d petzold photography (creative commons)

I like to read. Okay, that may be a bit of an understatement.
I love to read!
I’m a fast reader so it doesn’t take me long to finish a book. But one book I’ve been working through slowly is The 4-Hour Workweek by Timothy Ferris. He has given me many things to think about and he actually puts practices and exercises in the book for you to take part in.
He recently challenged me to take part in what he calls The Eye Gaze. Ferris challenges his readers to practice gazing into the eyes of others for two days, whether it’s people on the street or conversational partners.
The kicker?
You have to do it until they break the gaze. 
Since my word for 2012 is Radical, I thought to myself, why not give it a try? 
The result?

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