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Hi, My Name Is…Grace

Yesterday was a good day for me in the blogosphere and I wanted to share with you in case you didn’t get to read.
I was priviledged to guest post over at Jon Stolpe’s place on the topic of grace.
Here’s an excerpt from that post:

Do you ever convince yourself that grace is for other people, not for you? That when God was creating our very existence, He wrote your name down on a napkin and said, “Everyone but you will get my grace.” I’m yet to find that in Scripture, but so easily believe it to be true.

What a gift grace is! Click here to read the entire post, and I’d love for you to join the conversation.
Then I joined Eileen Knowles at The Scenic Route to talk a little bit about my new manifesto, Liar Liar
Here’s a teaser of that post for you too:

Satan has a blast filling our minds with pictures that may display themselves at true, but if we were too look closer, we could see the lies for what they really are.

Head over there and take the commitment to believe truth with me today.
Thanks for reading and for being super awesome!

Defining Perseverance

Defining Perseverance

This is a guest post by Lauralee Hudson.  She is a humanitarian photographer, writer, and speaker. Known as a “camera & word slinger” Lauralee has a vibrant passion for sharing the power of His Holy Spirit. Find her on Twitter and Facebook. Interested in guest posting? Check out the details here.

Definition of PERSEVERANCE: continued effort to do or achieve something despite difficulties, failure, or opposition : the action or condition or an instance of persevering: steadfastness

There I was sitting in my car… in line…waiting.
I glanced up and saw the MOST amazing thing.  A tree that had most assuredly gone through years of growth—and had made it—despite all odds.  It had broken through concrete blocks that had purposely been built to keep it out, to hold it down and not just one block of concrete…but layers. WoW!

An Open Letter to my Dead Dad

An Open Letter to my Dead Dad

Dear Dad,

I was at a wedding this past weekend and reality set in. I watched the bride dance with her father and a sadness hit me. I’ve known for the last 3 1/2 years that would never happen at my wedding, but Saturday night I finally knew. It was real.

I didn’t allow myself to cry because that day wasn’t about me. It was a celebration for the bride and her groom as they committed to spend the rest of their lives together. But my heart cried.

Bless These Lips [An Interview with Sharla Fritz]

Bless These Lips [An Interview with Sharla Fritz]

Have you ever spoken something only to wish you could take it back? Ya, me too. Our words are powerful, whether we’re speaking them to ourselves or others.
In her book, Bless These Lips, author Sharla Fritz examines things we say that get in the way of our relationships with God and with others. Each chapter draws on lip product analogies and uses humor, anecdotes, and observations to introduce Scripture passages that address common behaviors and attitudes. I’m excited for you to read it!
I had the privilege of bringing Sharla straight to you in this interview and I’m excited to be a part of such a great message.

Dear Blogger, You Need Help!

Dear Blogger, You Need Help!

This is a guest post by Christina. She is a wife, mom, Bloggy Helper, Pit Bull advocate, movie lover, and born-again Christian. Her passions are people, animals, and figuring out a way to save the world. Find her on Twitter. Interested in guest posting? Check out the details here.

Do you consider yourself a hobby blogger or a business blogger? Unsure? Maybe you don’t know the difference. Let me enlighten you.

photo credit: kristina b (creative commons)

You’re a hobby blogger if you use your blog as a way of communicating what’s going on in your life with friends and family. No more, no less. Some of my favorite blogs, ever, are hobby blogs.
You’re a business blogger if you’re making money – any money – from your blog. Do you sell ad space on your blog?  Do you post affiliate links? Do you write sponsored posts? Even if you aren’t getting rich, you’re a business blogger if any of these things are happening on your blog.
So this post is dedicated to you, the business blogger.

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