by | Life Application
Dear Saturday,
I hear you’re coming to visit soon. I’m so excited! It seems like it’s been forever since I’ve seen you. Apparently it hasn’t been that long since you last visited, but I’m not so sure.
photo credit: anthony!! (creative commons)
The expectancy of your arrival makes me smile. I’m assuming you’ll be here at midnight sharp and not a minute later, because you’ve always been good about your punctuality.
We’re going to have a blast when you get here. No alarm. No expectations. I’ve considered turning the phone off just to hang out with you. I’m expecting you to be of good company. No pressure.
I’ve thought about planning our day together, but then I thought maybe it would be more fun for us to just go with the flow. Sound good to you? Me too.
Well, I’ll make this letter short, but I wanted to drop a note to say I’m really looking forward to your arrival. Let’s enjoy each other’s company and not take it for granted.
See you soon!
Sundi Jo
by | Life Application
Ok – weird title I know, but it got your attention, right?
Seriously though, we do all have something in common. We each have a message to spread and we do that through writing and speaking. They’ve obviously been doing it much longer than I have, and they’re awesome at what they do. They both inspire me to be a better communicator.
That’s where you come in and that’s why I need your help.
Allow me to introduce you to the SCORRE Conference.
SCORRE is the only training of its kind to go deeper than just overcoming fear and worn out delivery techniques. With our unique, proven SCORRETM system, we drill down to the foundation of your speaking – your preparation. You will learn to prepare powerfully focused, crystal clear talks and then deliver them with confidence and power.
To sum it up, this conference will help me to be a better speaker and fine tune my message, as I prepare to take my new book, Dear Dad to others.
The Benefits
- Become a focused, effective and confident communicator
- Discover how to find and effectively use powerful illustrations
- Learn from professionals who have built their careers based on the principles of SCORRE
- Inspire your audience to action
- Maximize your prep time
- Network & collaborate with other professionals
Why this is the conference for me
I’ve been a communicator since the day I was born. It’s in my blood. I’m ready to take my speaking career to the next level and I need the proper training to do so.
I want to be trained right. I want to absorb information from the professionals. I want to be around other Christian speakers who practice what they preach. I’m so hungry to learn from them. Can you hear it in my voice? If not, let me type it louder and with more passion.
Here’s what a mentor recently told me about the conference:
You can’t afford not to go!
Two years ago many of you invested in my attendance of the Catalyst Leadership conference and it took me to another level in my direction as a leader. This is what the SCORRE conference will do, too.
How you can help
Since my book hasn’t sold 100,001 copies yet, I’m not “rolling in the dough.” I would love your investment, however big or small, as I prepare to take this adventure May 6-9 in Orlando.
Would you consider donating and investing in my career as a speaker?
In the next two weeks, I need to raise $2,000 to cover the trip. That includes conference price, airfare, and hotel.
I’ve provided two ways for you to pay online.
- Donate online via Fundrazr
- Send payments through PayPal to
I’m forever grateful for your support as I embark on this mission to become a better communicator.
P.S. If you want to take a look at my current speaking page, you can do so here.
Have you attended the SCORRE Conference? What was your favorite part? Comment below…
by | Life Application
I used to be afraid of death. After a classmate drowned in the 8th grade, I became so fearful that I woke up every morning and wondered if I would die that day.
photo credit: jc_sharp (creative commons)
I even woke up in the middle of the night once and knocked on my parents’ door because I thought I was going to die. They didn’t wake up, so apparently I didn’t knock hard enough. Turns out I wasn’t dying.
I’m happy to announce that fear is gone. I don’t remember exactly when it went away, but I know it has something to do with Jesus, so I just leave it at that.
by | Faith Lived Out, Life Application
Dear Mr. Obama,
Thank you for being willing to serve our country. I can’t imagine all the job entails, and it’s certainly not something I would want to do. The challenging tasks on your plate daily must be incredibly crazy to balance.
photo credit: mashable
I’ve been studying the topic of honor with my small group and that’s what led me to write this letter to you. John Bevere talks about honoring people, including our civil leaders and those in authority over us, in the study Honor’s Reward.
by | Life Application
For a while, I’ve been talking excitedly about the release of my first published book. Great things have happened since I started calling myself a writer. Because of the support of so many of you, my readers, this is actually happening! Well, here’s what you’ve been waiting for…
photo credit: dlr_de
Almost a year ago I signed a contract with the publisher. I actually drove to Oklahoma and signed the contract instead of doing it via mail. Now we’re about two months from the release of my first print book, Dear Dad. (I’ll be sharing more about this later. For now, hold off on buying it; I’ll make it worth your while — promise.)
by | Life Application
I went on a road trip adventure with my friend Jammie recently. We had a fabulous day. We got lost about four times, though she claimed to know where she was going. On the back roads of Arkansas we drove, talked, laughed, and gave glory to God for how different our lives are now compared to six years ago.
Our friendship is proof that God can restore anything.