by | Faith Lived Out
Now the Holy Spirit tells us clearly that in the last times some will turn away from the true faith; they will follow deceptive spirits and teachings that come from demons.
I wish I could tell you that’s a quote from Abraham Lincoln and you could turn it into a meme to spread around the internet. It’s not. No, it’s Paul’s heartbreaking reality he shares in 1 Timothy 4.
I’m grieving this morning as I grasp the news of yet another turning from the faith. Jon Steingard, lead vocalist for the Christian rock band Hawk Nelson, recently denounced his faith in God in a recent Instagram post.
by | Faith Lived Out
I ran into an old friend the other day I hadn’t visited with for a while. He asked me a question I was so grateful he asked, because most people aren’t willing to ask – they just assume.
We were discussing having a BBQ and gathering some friends from school. No special occasion needed. Just a desire to get together and enjoy life.
He asked me if I thought people would be okay being around me at such an event because there would probably be alcohol involved and I had found “religion.”
by | Faith Lived Out
Don’t you just love the word of God and how the Lord leads you to specific Scripture at just the right time?
I was praying this morning for some specific friends in the healthcare field who are on the frontlines of COVID-19 and the Lord led me to Psalm 27. Last week I wrote a prayer for based on Psalm 91 you can read here…
In this Psalm, David was proclaiming the Lord as his protector against evil people coming against him. David knew, despite the dangers trying to destroy his life, God was still in control.
by | Faith Lived Out
I was driving home from work yesterday talking to my mom about recent events surrounding the coronavirus and how it feels like we’re watching some crazy movie, yet we’re starring in yet. Then I said, “All of a sudden, it’s not funny anymore.” I use humor just as much as anyone else, if not more, to make serious situations a little lighter, but as I continue to watch communities shut down, single moms run out baby formula, and friends lose their jobs, the toilet paper memes all of a sudden become less funny.
But the Lord whispers to my heart, “Pray.” Yes. The most simple, yet powerful answer to such a confusing, crazy event in history.
by | Faith Lived Out
Today is a powerful day of reflection for me.
Two years ago today I experienced fear at a different level. Two years ago today I experienced God’s grace at a different level.
Two years ago today I left my job in an ambulance. It was the first public migraine spell I’d had since the mold. I’d always had them around people who knew how to tell they were coming on and could help me prepare. It was humiliating, scary, and humbling.
by | Faith Lived Out, Life Application
God wastes nothing.
My mom was a prison guard for 10 years at Church Farm in Jeff City. I can’t remember what I had for dinner yesterday, but still remember the phone number there. 751-2053. A debilitating car accident in 1994 ended that job for her and changed our lives forever.
Sometime in 200?, I picked my dad up from prison. His DOC # was 232404. A debilitating addiction eventually took his life.
In October 2018 my boss gave me a promotion and invited me to become part of the ReEntry team, going into the prisons and helping inmates transition back into the workforce.
That morphed into more than I ever could have imagined, with the opportunity to write a curriculum teaching men and women personal and professional development. Starting next week I’ll be taking that curriculum into a third facility.