by | Book Reviews, Faith Lived Out
So, I’ve been thinking and praying about the topic for my next book. Actually, I’ve already started the proposal and written part of the introduction.
The book is about the church’s view of homosexuality.
Here’s the premise:
Many Christians look at homosexuality as an epidemic – a contagious plague that must be avoided. Damnation is preached instead of grace extended. As a result, those living in the homosexual lifestyle run from the church without a concept of what a personal relationship with Jesus Christ looks like. The purpose of this book is to remind the church that people don’t go to hell because they are gay; they go to hell because they don’t know Jesus. The book will equip the church to extend love and grace to this lifestyle without approving of the sin.
I need your thoughts.
Would you read it or am I opening a can of too much controversy? Please share your thoughts with me below…
by | Faith Lived Out, Life Application
Liar Liar had quite a run this week. And if your a late comer, you’ve got two days to get the Kindle book free here.
In three days, we’ve hit #2 on Amazon’s self-help list and have occupied the #3 spot on the Christian Kindle book list, where it sits this morning.
9 five-star reviews, 6 four-star reviews, and a slew of favorable blogs about it like this one from Jennifer White
by | Faith Lived Out
According to, the definition of integrity is adherence to moral and ethical principles; soundness of moral character; honesty.

photo credit: dvs (creative commons)
There was a time in my life that I didn’t adhere to moral or ethical principals. I decided what was moral and what wasn’t, according to my own selfish desires.
I was a liar, a thief, and in a relationship I didn’t belong in. I’m so thankful for God’s grace and that He gives mercy to the undeserved.
Psalm 111:7-8 reads,
All he does is just and good, and all his commandments are trustworthy. They are forever true, to be obeyed faithfully and with integrity.
When I became a Christian this thing called conviction started to interfere with my life. I couldn’t lie and be okay with it. I went to sleep at night saddened that I was in a relationship that wasn’t pleasing to God. I wasn’t living life with integrity and it was breaking my heart. I can’t imagine how God felt.
by | Book Reviews, Faith Lived Out, Life Application
As you may know, my first manifesto, Liar Liar goes on sale today. I’m so excited today is the day!

What is the book about?
Liar Liar is a manifesto about not only believing the truth about who you truly are, but also speaking that truth into reality. It’s a call to take the next step in your faith and take action with your words.
by | Faith Lived Out
I’ve been out shopping the last few days, and for me that’s a big deal. Shopping is not on the top of my list for favorite activities.

photo credit: bhakti (creative commons)
As a matter of fact, when it’s all said and done, I walk out of the last store looking like something out of a zombie movie. Dark circles form under my eyes, my body slouches, and I’m overcooked and ready to sleep for the next 14 hours. (No exaggeration)
My mom and I walked into one store where we were greeted with a big smile and an enthusiastic sales clerk ready to sell some clothes. I wanted to buy from her immediately – not because I was in love with the product, but because I was impressed with her passion. She provided an experience, not just a building with a cash register waiting to suck up our money.