by | Faith Lived Out, Health & Wellness
I was introduced to fasting several years ago when I was a brand new Christian. The thought of giving up something for God was scary to me, and fascinating at the same time.
Since then I have taken part in my fair share of fasting. A few hour fast. 24 hours. A partial fast from something that I enjoy, such as television.

photo credit: shutterbean
Last year some friends and I joined together to do a 21-day Daniel Fast, inspired by my new friend, Kristen Feola. It was a fantastic experience, both spiritually and physically.
I started 2013 out doing something different.
by | Faith Lived Out, Guest Posts
Most Sundays I stand up at church and worship with some pretty talented people on stage.

photo credit: marilynjane (creative commons)
Since I live in Branson, Missouri, the live music capital of the world, I’m kind of spoiled with professional musicians and singers standing on stage each week creating amazing musical art. Regardless of their day jobs though — it’s what I see inside of them that draws me closer to God.
One woman in particular, Carolyn, stands there Sunday after Sunday belting out the most beautiful songs you could imagine. I swear if she would sing me to sleep every night I’d sleep like a rock. She’s declined thus far, but I’ll keep asking.
by | Faith Lived Out, Guest Posts
You’re not losing weight. Your relationships seem to be going nowhere. You’re still at the bottom of the ladder at your job, with no hopes of climbing anytime soon. God isn’t answering your prayers. Nothing goes right in your life.

photo credit: gogoloopieGo
What if the reason things aren’t going well in life is because of you?
That may be hard to swallow at first glance, I know, but think about it for a minute.
by | Faith Lived Out
Have you ever been so excited about a new adventure in your life that you wanted to shout it from the rooftops, or at least tweet about it?
Me too.
You’ve waited for an opportunity. You’ve prayed about it. You told your friends about it. Then you waited for it to happen.
The day finally comes and the opportunity you’ve been seeking happens. You’re overjoyed, thrilled beyond words, feeling blessed, and super excited to share with the world.
by | Faith Lived Out
Merry Christmas to you. I hope this Christmas is the best for you yet.
It’s not everyday I write about causes I believe in, but today is that day. Before I tell you about this awesome ministry, I want to tell you about the free books waiting to be in your hands.

photo credit: jeff goins
What you get
- a digital copy of Jeff Goins’ book, Wrecked (in three eBook formats)
- a digital copy of Kingdom Journeys by Seth Barnes (in three eBook formats)
- Wrecked Action Guide
- Kingdom Journeys Discussion Questions
That’s over $94 worth of free stuff ($47 for both you and a friend) just for being generous.
by | Faith Lived Out
The election is over. I’m beyond thrilled. No more commercials, radio advertising, billboards, my mailbox filling up. Most of all, I’m so happy that the Facebook posts are coming to an end.

photo credit: thegiantvermin (creative commons)
I went to bed before the official election results were in. I woke up the next day and learned that Barack Obama had been re-elected. I brushed my teeth the same as I did the day before. I put my pants on one leg at a time, just as I had done the previous day. Nothing had changed. It was still a good morning and God was still large and in charge.
Then I logged onto Facebook and my stomach turned.